Page 50 of Hold Me


I can hear voices. Low murmurings coming from somewhere in the room. Warmth dances along my skin—it’s been so long since I felt anything but cold. My body feels weighted down, or perhaps it’s just my mind, unwilling to rise to consciousness and greet whatever awaits me.

“She’s been out for twenty-four hours. There must be something wrong.” I recognize the deep timbre of that voice.

“The doc says she’s fine. They probably just dosed her too high.”

I blink my eyes open and instantly wince against the bright sunlight streaming through a nearby window.


The mattress dips next to me, and I glance at the man now looking at me. Rafael. There’s this little tug in my chest, but it quickly dissipates.

His face breaks into a smile, relief crossing his features. “You’re okay.” I say nothing and his smile slowly falls. “Aren’t you?”

Okay. It’s such a non-descript word. Am I okay? I’m alive. “Yes.”

His brows pull together, and he reaches for my hand, but I snatch it away. I don’t want to be touched. Ever. Pain morphs his features, and there’s that little pull in my chest again as though something is trying to get out, but it can’t because it’s so buried. I know that I once wanted his touch. I know that I loved him, but that feeling…it’s distanced, as though I once read it in a book and can imagine what it’s like, but not actually identify with. I know I should feel something, but I just…can’t.

I’m in my safe place, and nothing can touch me here. Not even him.