Page 22 of Hold Me

“No,” he says quickly. “Not yet. Anna is an easy target for anyone wanting Una. She’s still vulnerable. Can I trust you to protect her?”

I hang up on him. I won’t even dignify that with an answer, and as I told him, I owe him nothing. I’ll protect Anna because she’s mine. Not for him or Una.

Carlos leans against the wall next to the window, a cigarette now pressed between his lips. “You getting into it with the Italian?”

I cock a brow. “I’ve owed him a favor for so long that he thinks he owns me. Sometimes he needs reminding otherwise.”

He nods and pushes off the wall, heading to the door. “Give me a shout if you need ground troops.”

“It won’t come to that.”

He pauses in the doorway and turns to face me. “Oh, and teach your girl to throw a punch will you?” I frown, and he smirks. “I had to rescue her from Lucas’ terrible self-defense lessons.”

“For fuck’s sake.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. What the hell is going on with her?

“Nothing wrong with teaching her to defend herself.”

I glare at him. “If you teach her to defend herself then she’ll try when some fucker attacks her. She’ll think she can handle herself.”

“You afraid she won’t need your macho ass anymore?” His eyebrows bounce, and his lips twitch in amusement.

I point at him. “You don’t teach Anna anything.”

He holds his hands up. “Someone’s got to. No one should learn to throw a punch from Lucas.”

My phone pings at the same time as his does, and that’s never good. I glance at the screen, seeing a picture message from Samuel. I open it and instantly my pulse ticks up.

It’s a picture of a woman: blonde, pretty. Or rather she was before her throat was slit. The Sinaloa slave tattoo is clear on the side of her neck. The phone starts ringing in my hand, and I answer it.


“Did you see the picture?”


“She was left at the mansion gate. Along with a note.”

“What kind of note?”

“It was addressed to Anna.”

I lower the phone for a second, grappling with the blind rage that’s crawling up my spine. I put the phone back to my ear. “Dominges?”

“Apparently, he is going to keep killing whores until Anna returns to him. I’ll send you a picture of the note.”

“Good, and Samuel?”


“Not a word of this near Anna.” The girl is a bleeding heart. It would be just like her to martyr herself, and of course, that’s why he’s doing it. He knows he can’t get to her so now he’s trying to flush her out. It’s stupid though. I would never let her actually see it. I hang up the phone and glance at the image of the dead girl one more time.

Anna can’t know about this.

Carlos stares at the screen of his phone. “This can’t be good.” I lift a brow. “It seems like a desperate last-ditch attempt to me.”

“It does.”

“Where is Anna anyway? I haven’t seen her this morning.” I know he’s asking out of concern. They all guard her like she’s royalty because they know, to me, she is.

“She’s not up yet.”

He smirks. “Hungover?”

I turn towards the door. “Something like that.” Or the fact that I locked her in my room.

Anna and I are going to talk, and she’s not leaving that room until we do.