Page 25 of Hold Me



“I love you too.” So sweet, so innocent, so trusting. I won’t make the mistake of neglecting her again. How was I so unaware that I didn’t see her slipping right back down the slope that she’s spent so long climbing up? She was doing so well. I forget what she’s come from sometimes because she’s so damn strong.

To free a slave; it should be simple, but of course, it’s not. It’s not that she doesn’t want her freedom—she simply doesn’t know how to take it. And being here, confined to this house, it’s not helping.

“I’m going to take you somewhere,” I say.

“Where?” She glances at me—her brows pulled together in confusion.

“You choose.” She needs to make choices for herself.

“I thought we were on lockdown?”

“Anna, choose.”

“I don’t even know where we are.”

I sigh. “Just choose, woman. I’ll make it happen.”

She gnaws on her bottom lip. “Anywhere?”


“I miss the pond,” she says. And that’s the beauty of Anna. Give her anything, and she’ll choose something so obscurely simple that it throws you off.

I smile. “I’ll see what I can do.”

* * *

I pullthe Hummer off the road and onto the rough desert sand. The suspension bounces and jolts as gravel and dust kick up in a cloud behind us. Anna has the window down, her hair blowing in the wind and a pair of sunglasses covering half of her face.

I put my foot down, and the car lurches forward, out into what looks like the middle of nowhere. We climb up a rocky hillside, and I stop at the top.

“Where are we?” she asks.

I cut the engine. “Come and see.” I get out of the car, and she follows, meeting me at the edge of the sheer cliff that drops away below.

“Wow,” she breathes. “It’s beautiful.”

Below is a bowl of sorts, surrounded by circular cliff faces all the way around. And at its center is an oasis. A crystal blue lake, surrounded by greenery. Its such a contrast to the scene behind us that you could almost believe that its a mirage. I want to give her something she’ll never forget, but more than that, I want Anna to have a taste of normal.

“I don’t think many people know about it. My mother once brought my sister and me out here when we were kids. She couldn’t afford to take us to the beach, so this was the next best thing.” I offer her my hand. “Come on. We have to walk from here.”

The walk down the hillside is perilous at best. Anna squeals as she slips on the loose gravel, skidding into my back. “So graceful.”

“Hey. You’d have to be part-goat to get down here.”

By the time we make it to the bottom, she’s so transfixed by the lake that she doesn’t even look at me. At the water’s edge is a small beach, and she drops to a crouch, brushing her fingers over the glassy surface. I tug my shirt over my head and shove my jeans down, kicking them off with my shoes. I wade into the water, and she watches me.

“Are you coming in?”

She glances out at the lake before looking at me again. “Are there things living in there?”

I smirk. “Don’t worry. Nothing will bite you.”
