Bedelia was startled to hear the grief in his voice. There was sadness there, and a very real fear that she slowly realized was all for her.
The doctor reassured him that it was not dangerous at all as long as proper monitoring was performed. She would have to check in with the OB/GYN on a regular basis, and of course she would have to watch her diet, but other than that, it was relatively safe.
The three of them talked a little longer about what changed with triplets and what they could both expect, but finally the doctor held up his hands.
"There is a lot of information to cover, but I am afraid that if I give you more of it, I am going to swamp you. There is literature I can give you, and research I can recommend, but at the bottom of everything, I want you both to relax and simply take it easy. Please stay calm, and remember, this is a joyous occasion. There is nothing wrong here at all, I promise.”
The doctor took his leave, and Bedelia turned to Jahin.
"Jahin, please, I need--"
"No." His voice cracked like a whip, making her jump.
Her eyes widened as he pulled his hand away from hers and got up to pace. Not knowing what to do, she folded her hands over her belly and watched him. It was like being in a room with a dragon, unsure whether it was going to strike or lie down quietly.
"This changes things."
She wasn’t sure she had ever heard words quite that frightening before, and she clasped her hands tightly, trying to stay calm. There was nothing to be afraid of here, she tried to tell herself, but from the dark look that Jahin was giving her, she wasn't quite so sure.
"Does it?" she murmured.
He glared at her. "It must. You must have known that, or you wouldn't have tried to flee to America."
He watched her to see if she would dare argue, but she stayed silent. He was right. If not for the pregnancy, she would never have left, but something deep inside her had told her that she had been right to do so. She needed control, and when she was with Jahin, no matter how kind and generous he was, she would never have it.
"Our former arrangement is done," he said harshly, and despite how she had steeled herself for what he was going to unleash, she couldn't stop herself from flinching away from his sharp words. "That agreement ended when you tried to leave without my knowledge."
"And I suppose the one who is going to create our new arrangement is you," she said bitterly, and the look he gave her was shuttered and distant.
"I am. There is much for me to think about, and perhaps I should have thought of this a long time ago, but I am damn sure that I am going to think of it now. But first, you are staying in Muneazil. That is non-negotiable. My children will not be born outside of this emirate's borders. If they are ever to inherit much of anything from me, they must be citizens."
"So you are going to keep me a prisoner here?" she demanded, and he lanced her with a dark look.
"Do not tempt me," he said distinctly. "There is a part of me that would like nothing better than to have you actually confined while you are pregnant, to suspend your passport and make sure that no one in the outside world can reach you at all."
She gasped at his flat tone.
"You are talking about actual imprisonment," she whispered in shock, and he nodded grimly.
"I see that you understand what I can do. I do not want to do it. It would mean breaking the law, it would mean doing something grossly unethical, and it would be cruel. I do not want to do such a thing, but Bedelia, I absolutely will do it. There is nothing in me that is going to hesitate if I think that you are going to take my children away from me. Show me that you understand."
Jerkily, she nodded. He watched her with those bright, intent eyes, and when he had ascertained for himself that she would abide by his rule, he nodded.
"There is a great deal for me to consider," he said. "I am...angrier than I have ever been, and that will take some time to figure out. Until then, you will stay at one of my family's townhouses. There are going to be guards posted at the door for your protection, as well as to provide me with a little insurance that you will not flee again."
"But where will you be?" she asked, and despite the charged nature of the situation, she could not keep a slightly plaintive note out of her voice.
She had thought it would be a simple question, but in the space of a heartbeat, he had crossed the room, cradling her face in his hands. His touch was gentle, but tension made him tremble, and his eyes were alight with fury.
"I will be at the penthouse," he growled out. "It does not matter that you are carrying my children in your belly, and it does not matter that I still want you as much as the land wants the sun. After what you did and what you tried to do, I cannot be close to you right now."
Tears welled up in her eyes, and he released her with a tight nod.
"I see that you understand," he said caustically. "Don't worry, you will see me again, Bedelia. But first, I need to think."
With nothing more than that, he spun on his heel and stalked out, leaving Bedelia feeling more cold and lost than she ever had before.
She supposed that in another few minutes, a nurse would come in and let her know that there was an escort for her. Perhaps it would even be the two kind men who had taken her from the airport. They would take her to the townhouse where she would be staying for the foreseeable future, and that would be that.