With a soft sigh, she opened her eyes to look up into the deep velvet night. There was something perfect and wonderful about seeing something that had been the same for thousands of years, knowing that more or less she was seeing what had been seen so long ago. She knew she would be able to focus so much easier and so much more effectively if he would take his mouth away from her neck, but she couldn't stand for him to stop that either...
With an abrupt cry, Bedelia suddenly sat up, pointing into the sky.
"There!" she cried out, but the streak of light was gone.
"What did you see?" Jahin asked with a slight grin, and she smiled at him.
"A bright streak of light, brighter than stars, brighter than anything, falling to earth," she said excitedly. "That was amazing! I have never seen a shooting star before!"
Jahin laughed at her enthusiasm. "Even if you had, you would never have seen it the way you saw it tonight. Where we are, we are high above sea level in a place that is mostly untouched by air pollution. The stars here in this region of Muneazil are among the clearest and brightest in the world."
"It was very beautiful," she said, impressed and awed that Jahin had shared such a thing with her, and then he pointed up again.
She was shocked into silence when she saw another two stars falling, and then one more, and three after that.
She was too stunned even to yell when the stars kept falling, peppering the sky with streaks of golden light. She was too afraid to look at Jahin for fear that she would miss something, but she reached out blindly for his hand as they both lay back on the blankets. She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed hers back immediately. In that moment, they didn't need words, not even a little. It didn't matter who had more money or who wanted this relationship to be a short term thing with no emotional strings. What was important was that they held each other's hands as they stared up into the sky.
Finally, the falling stars seemed to slow, and with a single star falling and none others following, Bedelia heaved a sigh.
"That was amazing," she breathed, and as she turned towards him, Jahin cupped her face in his hand and turned her for a kiss. She wondered if somewhere in the back of her head, she should have been insulted. This was the textbook example of what their time together was meant to be like. Experiences for her, her body for him, and yet somehow, despite everything that should have told her that such a deal was demeaning to say the least, she couldn't find it in her heart to care. Not when the man she wanted like she wanted the air and the stars above was kissing her, not when she snuggled next to his big warm body to fend off the cold.
"Perhaps next time when we come out here, we will bring a tent," he said, helping her to her feet. "I have never been a great one for camping, but I have an idea that I can cobble together a campsite for one night. We could watch the stars, listen to the quiet, use that quiet to do whatever it is we want..."
He gave her a look that made the color fly up to her cheeks again, and he laughed, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Far too easy, Miss Prim, " he teased. "I'll have to dial things back by quite a lot if you are going to be shy and nervous about everything..."
Bedelia wanted to challenge him, but she quickly realized that any words she might have to say were going to be far weaker than anything she could do.
With no warning at all, she hopped up to throw her arms around Jahin's neck, dragging him down for a deep kiss. He was surprised, but only for a moment. Then he wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her in return, his hands roving her body sensuously as he ravaged her mouth.
By the time he pulled back, he was looking at her in awe, and she was grinning at him.
"You are a menace," he told her softly. "You make me want to bend you over and see to you in a way that would leave you shouting your joy up to the stars..."
"Promises, promises," she teased him. "I happen to know for a fact that it is frigid out here, and that you are not going to do a single thing to me until we get back to the house near the stables."
Jahin raised an eyebrow at her.
"Well, you might be right about that," he conceded, "but remember, little American beauty, it is a rather short ride back, and I will certainly remember everything that you say to me."
"Oh good," she sighed, and after a stunned moment, Jahin laughed out loud, dragging her into his arms.
"Heaven only knows how a woman like you was created," Jahin said with admiration.