Pleasure started to pulse through her body, as inexorable as the tide, and she dug her nails into his shoulders, her eyes squeezed tight. When the cascade of sensations started, all she could do was hold on tight, groaning through gritted teeth as she allowed it to take every part of her. The fire spread slowly and then more rapidly, and finally she was consumed in the flames, helpless to stop the pleasure that she was being given.

Bedelia cried out with her pleasure, unable to keep quiet, and when she was at the peak of her climax, she felt Jahin start to shudder as well, his body slamming into hers with thrusts that were less controlled, more wild, more unconstrained. Somehow, that made it better. He wasn't lying when he said she could drive him wild, because she could feel the proof of it right now. She could feel how much he needed the release that she was giving him, and a part of her thrilled at forcing this reaction out of him.

The sensations ebbed from her body slowly. It felt like it took an age for her to catch her breath and return to any kind of real awareness. Slowly, Bedelia came down from her summit of pleasure, and realizations started trickling back in. She was briefly surprised by the fact that there was still water coming down around them, that her legs, aching slightly now, were still locked around Jahin's hips.

He glanced up at her and grinned, and slowly, carefully, he set her down on the ground.

“Well, that was one hell of a shower,” she said, her voice hoarse and rusty. “Shall we get out?”

“Well, I haven't had mine yet,” he said practically, and with a grin, she reached for the soap.

Running the lather all over his body wasn't the same kind of pleasure as being taken against the shower wall, but there was something calm and quiet about it that made her feel surprisingly, blessedly whole.

Which was why this needed to stop as soon as they got out of the shower.