Tentatively, she raised herself a bit and then lowered herself again, feeling a pleasure that was similar to the one she had experienced earlier with his mouth on her. When she repeated the motion again, more surely and more firmly, she whimpered a little at how good it felt.

"You feel like heaven," he groaned, but she couldn't reply because she was experimenting, rising up and sinking down, rocking forward and back and then side to side. It was as if her body was capable of things that she had never imagined before, as if there were colors she had never seen before, and now she wanted nothing more than to gorge herself.

Bedelia could feel the swells of pleasure rising up in her again, deep and enduring, but Jahin's needs were sharper. She could actually feel the moment when his control snapped, and his hands came up to grip hard at her hips.

One moment, he was letting her play, and the next he was using his awe-inspiring strength to simply lift and lower her down on him even as he thrust up into her.

"Oh! Oh my god, Jahin, please, please more," she cried, and whether he heard her or he was simply obeying the demands of his own body, he started to surge up into her with even more power, with even more need. The pleasure was sharper now that he was moving so powerfully, and before she knew it, she was shaking and trembling again, fisting her hands on his chest and crying his name over and over again.

Just when the pleasure broke over her, she felt him stop short and grip her even tighter, burying himself as deeply as he could in her body as he found his own release there.

Their cries spiraled up into the night sky, slowing and quieting before disappearing entirely. Bedelia felt as if she had been entirely wrung out. Every part of her buzzed with pleasure, and all she could do was pull away gingerly just enough to pull them apart, and then collapse on Jahin's chest.

"I can feel your heartbeat," she murmured with a smile, and he chuckled as he stroked her dark hair.

"I can feel yours," he replied. "Bedelia...are you all right?"

"I feel amazing," she answered honestly. "Just...very tired."

"We probably ought not stay out here," he said reluctantly. "Can I convince you to come to my car with me?"

"Are you going to give me a ride home?" she asked, trying to conceal her sudden disappointment at the idea. She knew this wasn't a fairytale. She knew that men like Sheikh Jahin didn't have more than one night stands with her. Somehow, though, it still hurt.

"I am not, actually," he said with a grin. "If you want a ride to your place, I'll call you a cab. However, if you want to come with me... Well, my family's townhouse is quite a bit closer, and we can shower, get some sleep, and perhaps order something good for breakfast in the morning."

Bedelia had never had anything like a poker face. She knew she beamed at him like the sun even as she nodded. She knew better than to think that this was anything real, but perhaps for a little while, she could have a fairytale.

"I would like that very much indeed," she murmured, and he grinned at her.

"Good. Now let's see if we can make sure that we take every piece of clothing that we came here with, or we're going to look like fools for my chauffeur..."


HOURS LATER, JAHIN looked down at the girl sleeping so soundly and so trustingly in his bed. Who would have thought that he would have come back from a festival with someone like her?

There was something strange about the entire night, and if Jahin believed in fate, he would be a very nervous man indeed. What were the chances of running into the very same girl first at the horse fair and then at the festival a week later? Was there something that would explain the power of his attraction to her?

If he let his mind wander, it would settle uneasily on how he had come down between her legs, pushing deep inside her as if he was some kind of barbarian lord and she his prize. It was still altogether too clear in his mind's eye how she had flinched and looked up at him with those great, wounded green eyes. He had even touched her before, noted how tight she was and how new to pleasure she had seemed.

In the old days, if he had taken her virginity like that, they would have been married. She might have been the most junior of his wives, and she might have been only a simple peasant girl before, but she would enjoy all the rights and privileges that were bestowed upon a woman worthy of the sheikh's attention.


Jahin felt a pang go through him.

He had been concerned with his emirate's affairs for a very long time, but that hardly meant that he had been a celibate monk. There had been a parade of women through his bed at one point or another...beautiful, assured women who would take what he gave them and satisfy themselves with his wealth, or his good looks and prowess in the bedroom. When they had parted, it had always been mutual, a game played out to the satisfaction of both parties.

However, much as she was proving to be different from any woman he had ever met before, Bedelia was proving to be different in this way as well. She was sweet and lovely with a smile that could light up the world, but the truth was that the change was happening inside him. He couldn't imagine that a woman as innocent as Bedelia would simply smile and leave. He had seen the light in her eyes, though, and he wondered if there was a part of him that would be broken if she did.

What a strange position I have found myself in, he mused.

He wasn't sure there was space in his life for someone as sweet and innocent as Bedelia, to say nothing of that stubborn streak that seemed to run through her like a river. Still, there was something about her that called to him, that made him want to give her the fantasies and the stories that she craved.

Jahin shook his head. His emirate was no storybook land, as beautiful and as wild as it was, and he was certainly no storybook prince. This was the real world that she was living in, and if he were smart, he would have disabused her of any romantic notions that she had as soon as he could.


However, he wanted to make love to her in the morning. He wanted to give her a proper breakfast, and perhaps let her try his Turkish coffee, if only to see the face that she would make. He wanted all of that, and he could have none of it if he sent her away.

So she would stay. For a little while. Jahin resolved to be very clear with her about what she could expect and what he would offer to her.

He looked down at her sleeping face and traced the soft curve of her cheek with one gentle finger. And when she smiled in her sleep, he couldn't help but smile in return.