“Splendid, then maybe there’s a more traditional way to appeal to Ms. Callahan than…”
“Abduction?” he added, shaking his head. “I know now how wrong that was, how beyond the pale... I just… there’s something about her, and even if I never see her again, there always will be.”
“Then, my sheikh,” Adil said as he turned on his heel and headed to the door. “Let us hope that you can rectify the situation.”
Ravi shrugged and keyed in the Skype log in code. It was still only six p.m. in the States. Hopefully Cynthia would be out of work and around by now. It took several rings before a face flicked to life before him on the screen.
The pinched look on her face told him he was getting the Mamma Grizzly defensive side of Bridget’s best friend. The way she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as he came fully into view on her screen confirmed it. “Sheikh Shamon. What a surprise.”
“It’s Cindi, and you better make this quick.”
“You know I am royalty, right?”
“I know you hurt my best friend, that what you did still hurts her every day. What, did you run out of roses to send? Her apartment was covered in those for over a month, then you went radio silent. I don’t get what kind of games you’re playing.”
“I’m not playing games, I swear.”
“Could have fooled me,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m serious. What is your angle? What is it that you really want?”
“Just Bridget.”
“That’s rich after how you treated her.”
“I don’t understand.”
Cindi snorted. “I highly doubt that. You know exactly how to spin a girl’s head around, how to flatter and send mixed messages, and then run away.”
He stood up and started to pace, not caring if it sometimes blocked his view to the woman. “She ran from me to another continent.”
“You pushed her first.”
“I don’t know how.”
“Oh, you do, and playing dumb makes it worse. Look, Bridget is going through a lot, especially being back home and with so many changes.”
“What changes?” he asked, stopping before the camera again. “Is she all right?”
“She will be,” Cindi said, squaring her chin. “But she won’t be if you keep trying to get at her, so just stop, Ravi. She’s not interested.” With that, Cindi cut the connection.
Enraged, Ravi swept all the files and papers from his desk in one motion, managing to just miss his laptop. “Fuck!”
“Well, if you offer,” Sabella purred, leaning against the doorway.
“What are you doing here?”
“Kamala summoned me. I’d left some things of mine in the spare room of the penthouse, and she’s been doing spring cleaning. However, I still wanted to see you. I haven’t been able to talk to you since the exhibit opening.”
“You mean ambush me and then shove your tongue down my throat.”
She strode into the room, exuding sex and promise with every step, offering him things that he once used to not only want, but take for granted. Now, it all just left a foul taste in his mouth. “Now, now, you know it felt like old times.” She emphasized her point by running a manicured fingernail down his tie.
He grabbed her wrist and held it firmly. “Well, I have managed so far to avoid the clap, let’s keep it that way, shall we? I don’t want you anymore.”
She laughed and pulled her hand back. “Oh right, you want that American giraffe of yours.”
“Her name is Bridget.”
“Yes,” Sabella purred again. “And Bridget’s in another part of the damn planet, across a large ocean, and has absolutely zero interest in speaking to you. Dear Ravi, why would you want an amateur—and a pathetic one at that—when—”
“Sabella,” he said, clenching his jaw before he could speak again. “You need to leave here and never come back. I have no interest in you, and no matter who calls for you—and they won’t again, I’ll see to it—don’t you dare come to my properties or my events. Not if you want to remain in Dubai.”
“You’d deport me?”
He laughed, a brittle bray of a sound. “I probably should have years ago.”