But two could play at that game. Kneeling up higher, she stuck out her tongue and flicked it against the happy trail of hair leading low to the waistband of his boxers. Then she arched her neck up so that she could finally trail the tip of her tongue on the ridges of his abdomen. She could taste the hint of salt on his skin even as his musk filled her nostrils.


He was gorgeous, and no matter where else he’d been, Ravi was also hers for the night. Bridget intended to make the most of that. To show him everything she could and would do for him.

“Oh, my swan,” he said, stroking his hand through her hair. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

She grinned up at him, hoping he understood from her expression how game she was for everything. Her hands seemed to run on their own accord as they reached for the waist band of his boxers and pushed them down over the sharp bones of his hips. His erection sprang free, and her mouth watered at the perfect view before her. Opening her mouth wide she flicked her tongue out and tasted the tip of him, loving the saltiness and meatiness of him. Then she went to work, wrapping her mouth around his hardness and moving back and forth as her tongue laved at him.

He groaned and began to thrust against her, delicately as though not to push her, and only daring to go so deeply. It was okay for her, as it allowed her to keep lapping at him, to tease him with his tongue, as he actively made love to her mouth.

She snaked her hand out and cupped him, taking his testicles in her hand and teased them between her fingers, rolling them easily. Her rhythm with her mouth increased, as she was spurred on by the taste of him, the emphatic sounds of his shouts and curses. She swirled his tongue around the tip and it was enough, he came then and she swallowed it up greedily. It was something she’d never done before, and she couldn’t quite explain it, except that that Ravi was unique, a man who stirred her in a way no other man had. She got to her feet and he smiled back at her, and then kissed her lips.

“Did you like that?” she asked, amazed at the husky tone her voice had taken on.

Ravi kissed her again and stroked her tongue with his own. “You know that I did. Give me time,” he started, “I’ll pay you back.”

She smirked up at him. “You better. With interest.”


He had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. It didn’t make complete sense. She captivated him since the moment he saw her in the photos on her father’s phone; he had to have her. That was the expression in her eyes, her piercing green gaze that seemed to reach not just to his nether regions, but also to his soul. It was so much more than that now as he watched her lying before him on the bed, ready for his embrace. It had been a bit of time since she pleasured him with her mouth, since he felt the ecstasy of her tongue, oh so warm, against his flesh. He was ready sooner than even he estimated, his hardness returning with a vengeance within half an hour.

He was so very hungry for her, and small tastes were never enough. None of it was enough. He tasted her mouth, snuck fingers inside her channel, and had her mouth over his length. It didn’t suffice, and he needed to be inside her, to own her totally and completely. Ravi opened a drawer in his bedside table and pulled out a condom. It took little time to tear open the foil packet and slip it over his length, and his swan watched all of that through those limpid green eyes of hers.

“Are you ready, princess?”

She teased her nipple with her fingers, raising it to a rigid peak that he couldn’t wait to have in his mouth. “I’ve always been ready, at least for you.”

It was the cue he needed. He strode toward the foot of the bed, and then he started to climb up over her, feeling like a tiger stalking his nubile prey. As he made his way up her torso, he stuck out his tongue and flicked it against her soft belly, letting it dip in and out of her belly button. She shivered and bucked under him, letting out the most delicious mewling noise beneath him.

He picked his head up as he made his way to lie totally over her body. Taking a deep breath, he reveled in the smell of her, in the hint of strawberry in her shampoo, the freesia and lilacwafting from her skin. She was like a garden, a fresh bit of wild nature splayed before him on his bed.

Then there were her eyes, so emerald and sparkling, so deep that he could lose his soul in her.

Dear Allah, I want to.

He nudged his length against her entrance, already feeling his eyes roll back in his head at the warmth that greeted him.

“You’re so ready for me, my swan.”

She bit her lip and moaned again. “I need you,” Bridget said, her voice small and breathy. “Please, Ravi, no more waiting.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, princess,” he said, slipping inside of her, easing into her channel inch by inch.

The heat of her almost felt scorching against him as he slid in. When he was as deep as he could go, when he felt her womanhood flush against all of him, Ravi flexed his hips. It was like ripples of fresh water, clean waves lapping against him, the first volleys of pleasure teasing him.

“Are you ready? You’re comfortable?” he asked, kissing her lips and then both cheeks.

She blushed, and he loved the way that expression looked on her. “It’s good, just been a while.”

He rolled his hips and she moaned and bucked against him, raising her hips to meet his. “I can do whatever you need, my swan, whatever tempo.”

She swallowed hard, a bit of mischief gleaming in her green eyes. “Fast. Make love to me hard, Ravi, please.”

Part of him—the evil part—wanted to draw this out, to torture her with the slowest pace he could force himself to keep up, but he was as hungry for her as she was for him. Ravi could hold back no longer. He started pumping his hips in earnest, letting the waves of pleasure crest and wash over him. Beneath him Bridget mewled again and reached up with her hands, running them over his back and digging her nails in as he plumbed her depth. Their rhythm raced together, both of them moving in tandem.

There was so much around him now: his own ragged gasps, her moans, the scent of sex and freesia in the air and the silk sheets beneath his knees. It all began to merge into one, long blur as they thrust against each other.