Page 76 of Royal Fake

Just as I was about to hit the runway for the show of my life, Liam stopped me as I headed backstage to make the final adjustments and await my turn on the catwalk.

“Avery, I’m proud of you.” He kissed me, but judging by the way he said it, it almost sounded like a goodbye, though we were only on day five of our seven years…

“Thanks, Liam for your support.” I returned his kiss and went backstage; my mind was too focused on my work to worry about him.

Also, as much as I didn’t want to admit it, especially to myself, I was starting to feel really sick. I wasn’t sure if it was nerves or if I was actually overworking myself, but whatever it was the world began to spin out of focus. Luckily Kylie saw what was happening and shuttled me to the sidelines.

“We need some juice over here,” she yelled out over the crowd of models dressing and getting pinned into their runway looks.

I should have been looking them over one last time, but I had been so prepared, there wasn’t much to go over. Everything was happening pretty effortlessly, the only thing going wrong was me.

“My body feels out of whack,” I was able to say to her as a sheen of perspiration covered my brow.

“You’re nervous, pregnant, and burning the stick at both ends. Avery, you’re a mess. Let’s just get you down that runway, then I’m taking you to the lake house. Alec and I agree you need to get away for a minute.

I looked at her and smiled. I didn’t really have the strength to do more.

“You don’t look too good, though. You sure you don’t need a doctor?” Kylie looked really worried.

“No, I’m good, it’s just nerves. You know how I get all fired up…” I told her.

“This looks more like a fever, but okay. You’re up in ten minutes.” She was right, it probably was a fever.

I was able to get one last look at our models, each one of them was from Every Dream and they were of all nationalities, body sizes, sexual persuasions, gender identities, and physical abilities, with one model rolling in a wheelchair after being the victim of a gang shooting. The program, which I had gone over a hundred times so that the wording was just right, stated that the models were kids who had seen a hard life. All the proceeds were going to Every Dream and the collection represented royalty in the streets. It was edgy, eclectic, and vibrant. I took a moment to look everyone over one last time and a wave of pride overtook my fatigue.

The excitement for what I was doing gave me the strength I needed to send my models out there. The music started pumping, everyone was excited… and off they went. Kylie took my hand and it was an amazing experience. I was much more present for that moment than I was for my wedding which was a strange and foggy memory buried in the back of my mind.

Chapter 28


My heart spiked with excitement hearing the music and seeing the first of Avery’s designs come down the runway. I’d been to several fashion shows and some of them recently with Avery, but none was as exhilarating as seeing what had started out in her mind as merely sketches come down the runway as a fully realized fashion line. Not only were the clothes stunning, but they were also a statement on homelessness, desperation, and hope. I could not have been more proud of all that Avery had done in the past three months. She was more than a queen in my eyes.

By the excited expressions around me, everyone was responding well to Avery’s work. I looked over to see Georg sitting in awe.

“She’s magnificent, Liam, simply sublime.” He clasped his hands over his mouth enjoying each and every design that came down the runway, he loved some more than others but seemed to adore them all. “I wish Jarvis could be here, he would have really enjoyed this.”

James butted in with his brand of royal fealty. “He’s protecting the throne, doing his job, just as you and Liam should be.”

I looked at James. “What are you talking about?” I was so angry; I didn’t want to be distracted from the show, so I flashed James an angered look and warned him, “You and I will have a discussion when the show is over.”

“Oh, we will.” He seemed equally as angry.

The rest of the show was magnificent. Avery was glowing and it wasn’t just pride, she was actually glowing. I stood with the rest of the audience to give her a standing ovation and noticed she didn’t look well at all. She walked with her models and enjoyed the attention but her hazy far-off gaze made me worry.