Page 71 of Royal Fake

“One more week.” I think he was teasing me because he knew how stressed I was about our wedding.

“Until doomsday. Do our seven years start from the day we are married or from when you brought me to Ireland and never sent me back?” I might have been teasing.

“Nope, our seven years doesn’t start until the day we get married, but we got a jump on this little fella.” He leaned in and kissed my stomach and the itsy bitsy almost-not-there baby bump.

“You mean this little lady,” I corrected him. Why did everyone assume I was having a boy? “You never know, she could be a daughter.” I ruffled his hair while he smooched my belly.

“Oh, I hope I do have a daughter who is as beautiful as you are… I hope I have seven.” He rose his face up to me for a kiss.

“Well, you definitely will be having them, because I’m stopping at three… if I even have that many. Just this one is kicking my ass.”

“Is the medicine Dr. Clancy gave you not working?” He seemed suddenly worried.

“It’s working a little.” I tried to appease him because he always got really overprotective when I was stressed out.

“It’s because you’re working too hard,” he scoffed.

“No, it’s because I’m pregnant.” I laughed and put my bottle of lotion away. “Pregnant people barf, it’s a thing. The anemia just makes me tired, no big deal.”

“Ugh, there aren’t enough riches in the world to pay you for having our baby.” He said as he kissed my breasts.

“I don’t need riches.” I nestled into him. “I just need… I don’t know.”

“This.” This he playfully stabbed me in the thigh with his hard erection. He was always so ready to go.

“This,” I grabbed his cock gently. “Is the reason I’m in this mess in the first place.”

I started play-acting with a bad Irish accent. “Oh, pardon me did I just cum inside of you? Terribly sorry, won’t happen again. Oh, dear me, did I do it again? My bad, I’ll be better behaved next time. Oh dear, oh dear… was that just my cum that slopped all inside of you, so sorry, very sorry? Naughty cock, you naughty, naughty boy. And I’m like never mind… humph. Garff, hurl… it’s too late.” I pretended to barf.

“No, it was not like that at all… it was more like…” He pitched his voice nice and high. “Oh Liam, Liam, Liam oh my god, your cock, your glorious, amazing, magical cock, I just have to have it, give it to me… give it all to me, every last drop. Oh yes, Liam, yes, yes, yes.” He pretended to have a mind-blowing orgasm and as much as I wanted to stay straight-faced, I couldn’t, I laughed my brains out.

“Right… exactly like that.” I slapped his arm. “Magical cock? Oh, the delusions of grandeur.”

“You know what they say about kings with big thrones…” he still played along.

“They have big egos.” I threw a pillow at his head.

“Not with you for a wife they don’t.” He tossed the pillow back at me.

“Someone has to keep you in line.” I looked at him with genuine love in my eyes.

As much as I wanted to say I wasn’t, I was falling desperately in love. I wouldn’t have endured all the torture of being a royal princess if I wasn’t falling hard for him.

“Oh, you keep me in line… trust me.” His lips were on me demanding I stop talking and start kissing.

I was ready for kissing, talking just made me think about the fact that in less than seven days, I’d be married to Liam and living a life I wasn’t sure I really wanted. The sex, though, that was always good. He kissed and nibbled at my neck which made me so wet. It was like there was some sort of erotic button between my ear and my clavicle. He was devious, he knew exactly how to make me nuts, but two could play that game.

He had a spot on his side that when I poked it hard he’d giggle and if I did it enough he’d spontaneously cum. I loved to threaten him with the tactic. All I had to do was lift my finger in the air.

“No.” He grabbed my finger. “Not tonight.” His voice was light and joyous as he moved to overtake my body. “You owe me a slow burn after what you did to me last night.” He slithered down my body and spread my legs out before him. “Tonight, I am gonna take my time.” He continued down my body as he brought my legs up into the air.

The position was only slightly uncomfortable but as soon as his warm tongue began to course down my inner thigh, I didn’t care, shivers ran up and down my skin.