Page 36 of Royal Fake

“But alas, my sperm will die during their perilous fight to make a monarch. As your dreaded birth control poisons them.” I loved playing with her and so I amped the drama. This time I think she took it for what it was, just play. “You will have to stop taking it as soon as you sign the contract. I want to make sure we’re able to conceive right away.” I didn’t want to dive back into business, but she had to know what her role was going to be.

“Right, we’ll get started on the first of those two kids soon, but since I haven’t signed a contract yet, I’ll keep poisoning the little swimmers…” She made an evil cackle and we were having fun.

I loved that about Avery, she volleyed anything I threw her way. We finished up washing, dried ourselves off, and dressed. When we were back in the cabin again I pulled out an iPad and searched through the meals that were on offer. We had a chef on board, but there wasn’t an infinite supply of ingredients on the plane. As I hadn’t arranged the meals beforehand we were at the mercy of the menu.

“So, what do you fancy? Suddenly, I’m famished.” I looked at her and winked.

“I was starving before the crazy hardcore shower scene, so let’s see what we’ve got. I can pretty much eat a whole cow at this point.” She snuggled in closer to me.

“You’re in luck, we have quarter-pound burgers grilled to order, some craft beer and do you fancy a salad or something girly to go with it?” As soon as I said it, I knew I sounded like an ass, but that was me, I had my assholish side.

“Actually, I’ll take a manly meal as you’ve wrung me out. I don’t have an ounce of energy left, so let’s have some fries. I’ll eat salad when I haven’t gone two rounds in twenty minutes.” She hit me in the shoulder as a man might and deepened her voice to throw off a hearty laugh.

“You’re a lot of fun, Avery,” I said suddenly feeling very enamored.

“You’re easy to have fun with,” she responded with an equal amount of affection.

“Shall we watch a movie to pass the time?” I cuddled her into me as soon as I finished with our order. “We have a lot to choose from.” I flipped to the movie app on the iPad.

“You have all the movies that are playing right now. How?” I loved the childlike wonder in her voice.

“Well, when you’re the king… or almost…” I handed her the iPad to make her selection. “…you get the world. Just think, this too could be yours.” Her smile was sweet and genuine.

I was reeling her in. We chose a romantic comedy, which I found so fitting for our situation. She leaned back on me and I let my fingers lightly swirl over her nipples until our flight attendant came with our meal. She wasn’t kidding when she said she was hungry, she really put the food away which made her sleepy.

She fell asleep on my shoulder halfway through the movie and I just sat and watched it alone, intermittently staring at her beautiful face, happy I’d chosen the right person to pose as my queen.

Chapter 13


I must have been really overwhelmed and tired because I woke up as we landed bouncing along the tarmac.

“Are we landing? Did I sleep through the whole flight?” I couldn’t believe I’d slept the whole day.

“We are and you did.” He kissed my temple with a goofy smile on his face. “I’m excited for you to meet everyone and see where you’ll be raising our kids.” Wow, what?

“Not so fast there, sparky. You don’t want to scare off the missus.” I winked at him still shaking off the serial killer vibes I was sort of getting.

“Right, yes. Hope you enjoy your vacation.” He straightened up and acted properly. “Okay, just a few things before we disembark. We will be met by lots of paparazzi, so I’ve brought along a nice long overcoat for you to wear. It’s Bradbury, a signature brand of the royal house. Also, I’ve had James get you some Manolo Blahnik’s as well. I know you are all about fashion and your outfit is so funky chic, but we need to feed you to the Irish public in doses. This will be the first time you’ll be seen in the press. So, I hope you don’t mind.” A man with a flame of red hair, which wasn’t natural, walked into the cabin. “Georg is going to give you a bit of spruce up before we hit the tarmac.”

All of a sudden things started to feel very scary.

“Do I really have to go through all of this just to get into a limo with you? I mean I brought nice stuff, but this was going to be a seven-hour plane ride. I dressed comfortably.” I didn’t know why I was making excuses.