Page 28 of Royal Fake

We drifted peacefully to sleep wet and naked in each other’s arms. In the morning I dressed in one of the more casual outfits he had bought me and returned to my apartment to clear my head and pack a bag for a short trip to Ireland. I’d have to come back for a few fashion shows I’d had planned and another fundraiser, but my next trip was in two days to Ireland to sign paperwork and get a better understanding of what I was getting myself into.

“Honey, I’m home,” I shouted out to Madison as I entered my apartment, tired and very happy to be back in reality again. Coming back to the loft to put my thoughts into perspective again, it made me realize I couldn’t leave all of this and I didn’t want to.

“Finally, you’re home. I was about to file a missing person’s report,” Madison playfully scolded.

“You got my texts, right?” I texted her whenever I got the chance just so she didn’t worry.

“No, I got them, it’s just not like you to stay out for two days. He must have been some kinda man.” Her eyes turned dreamy and wistful.

“He was… is. Oh Mads, I’m a mess.” I plopped down on the couch.

“I figured.” She sat down beside me. “You haven’t had a nice guy in a long time. Enjoy this.” I loved how sweet and encouraging she always was, she was definitely the compassionate one in our trio.

“The problem is, he wants me to marry him.” I slumped into the couch.

“Well, on second thought, run, ditch him as fast as you can, because that is straight-up crazy. You want some ice cream, get a jump on the grieving process?” She flashed a pretty smile.

“I know, it’s crazy,” I started.

“Oh yes, so crazy that there’s no need to even finish that sentence.” She got up to go to the kitchen.

“Yes, it is straight-up insane, muy loco, tres fou, but I think I just said yes.” I looked at her with big wide doe eyes as she commenced freak-out mode.

“You have got to be kidding me, Avery! No… absolutely no! No way. Call him right now and tell him you fell out of bed during sex and hit your head, you have amnesia or a concussion and you’re so sorry, you can’t marry him, have a nice life. ” She grabbed for my cellphone completely in panic mode. “Go on do it now… I’ll wait.”

“Hear me out,” I knew it was a losing battle, but suddenly it was one I wanted to fight.

“This had better be amazing.” She gave me the side-eye.

“Okay, so he’s the prince of Ireland and he wants us to get married and have kids. I’m going to Ireland tomorrow to meet the family. I haven’t said yes, and I can always say no, but I think I would have regrets if I didn’t just take the ride and see where I landed. Plus, he will pay me ten million dollars. I mean what can really go wrong?” I gave her a sheepish grin.

“Ten million?”

“Yep. But please don’t tell anyone about the money.”

“I won’t. Instead, I’m calling the police… I don’t even think Ireland has a Prince.”


Chapter 10


“What did you find out?” I asked the head of my security team who had been doing a security clearance for Avery.

I was sure she was rethinking her ‘yes’ as I hadn’t heard from her all day and we had a plane scheduled for later that evening to take us to Ireland as long as she gained general security clearance. I was worried that she was having second thoughts, but also sort of relieved she might have been having them as what woman wouldn’t? I was going to give her one more hour before I showed up at the address the security personnel provided me. She had no criminal history and was exactly who she claimed to be though she did have one hell of a library fine. I’d make sure she had access to plenty of books.

“Since she’s clear,” Mike O’Donnell my head of security said. “We will issue her a clearance badge for boarding the jet. Do you need anything else from me?”

I was so tempted to ask him to go and snatch her from her home, but of course, it wouldn’t be allowed. “No, thank you.”

Just as I hung up, dear ol’ Dad rang in.

“Liam.” His voice was gruff and commanding as usual.

“Yep, still Liam.” I loved ruffling his feathers. Too bad I was the only child and the black sheep of the family.

“I see you are returning tonight, so I’ve scheduled a meeting with you tomorrow at twelve. I want to discuss this Avery Johnson that you are bringing with you. I have told you before, you may not bring casual dates to the castle, especially because you are just about to be betrothed to Lady O’Day.” Even the mention of Lucy’s name made my blood boil.