Page 64 of Royal Fake

God bless, Georg.

“I’m so sorry Georg, that must be so hard on the both of you.” Suddenly my problems didn’t seem as serious, at least the world would know I loved Liam… or whatever, sort of mostly, loved him.

“Everybody has their sacrifices.” He shrugged it off.

“I’m a fashion designer. My brand is starting to go through the roof and I’m not who you make me out to be every day. You’re creating a monster.” I was holding back the tears that were choking in my throat.

“Well, you’re a pretty monster, but I get it. You’re young, thank god your brand is taking off. You won’t have to work so hard for it. Make it more exclusive, become the Banksy of the fashion world and create from who knows where. Be elusive, untouchable.” I loved the illusion he was creating but it would never work.

“Married to Liam.” I sighed.

“It isn’t the end of the world. You’ll see.” Georg’s perpetual optimism was annoying.

Despite all, Georg did pull me together and made me look exquisite. I wore a pale purple chiffon dress with nude stockings that shimmered in the sunlight and a pair of deep purple pumps. My hair was styled off of my face in a whimsical upsweep with ringlets that dangled around my ears and temples.

“The idea here is to give you an air of innocence.” Georg flashed me a side-eye. “You must look every inch of the blushing fiancé untouched and untainted,” he said finishing up the last strokes of shimmering pink blush that just kissed my cheeks with color.

“Wow, you did it. You actually made me look like a virgin. Bravo.” I smiled, wanting a moment of levity.

“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far… my dear. Just one look at that lusty twinkle in the prince’s eyes and you’d have to be blind to think he’d left you a virgin. There’s nothing wrong with a little illusion, though, you know it’s all make-believe anyway.” His smile was big, wide, and proud.

Liam popped his head in just as my spirits had lifted a little. Georg was right, this was all for show anyway. Even though my feelings for Liam were growing, we were still just putting on a parade.

“So how are we doing here?” As soon as he saw me his face lit up with a smile. “Ah, there you are! Georg, you are a genius. I wasn’t sure you were going to pull it off, but you did it, you made her look ravishing.”

I smiled back at him even though I was faking it. “Just like My Fair Lady, he dragged me outta the gutter and cleaned me up good, Jonah.”

Liam sometimes infuriated me. I don’t think he wanted to be shitty and rude, but at times he was.

“If only he’d do something with that cocky mouth of yours.” Liam offered me his hand as I rose up out of the chair. “And those impossibly bad accents.”

“There’s not enough mascara in the world to tame her indomitable spirit. You’re a lucky man, Your Majesty.” Georg to my rescue.

Liam kissed my cheek.

“The luckiest in the world. Okay, the car’s outside. We need to get to the event hall.” He crooked his elbow for me to take it and offered a warm smile. “Everything is going to be just fine. I promise, Avery.”

It was hard not to love him. I so wanted to trust Liam at that moment, but he was the one who wanted to become king and I was the key to his crown. He would say just about anything to get me in that car and announce to the world that we were to be married. We were solidifying the contract that I had already signed with much trepidation.

“Just focus on the things you like about him,” I remember Kylie saying when I told her I was about to sign the contract. “There were many days when I didn’t think that Alec and I were going to make it. I spent a lot of time worrying and when we got pregnant I was terrified, you remember. But there came a point when I just… I couldn’t worry anymore. I think that’s when Alec and I truly fell in love. We stopped stressing about what we were doing and just let ourselves love one another. Now I know that marrying Alec and having Elijah were the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.” The happiness in her tone made me a little envious, would Liam and I ever truly find that?

“You having second thoughts?” Liam asked as we neared Stonebrook Hall. “You’ve been distant for the whole ride.” Liam’s voice was low and reserved. “If you don’t want to do this, now would be the time to tell me.” He looked at me with love and deep concern.