Page 62 of Royal Fake

“Okay, okay… so having a baby right now will be hard. You won’t be feeling well, your body will change, and you’ll have to squeeze in a secret career while being a pregnant newlywed princess. Even saying it makes my head hurt.” I stroked my hand along her arm. “But I’ll make sure you have as many people as you need to help you. The money will never be an issue, we can hire hundreds of people, I don’t care. I just want you to be happy.” I meant every word.

“Okay,” she gave me an appealing smile. “It’s too early to make any changes right now, but thanks for the support.” There was that fake, ‘everything is fine’ attitude.

“I will support you in any way I am able. In the end, I know you’re doing this for me, so I want you to understand I won’t be a gammy tool. You’re giving up a lot so that I can be king, and I’ll never forget that.” As much as I tried, my words seemed to upset her more.

“Thanks, let’s just see what the doctor says,” was her quiet response.

“Okay, why don’t we grab a few winks and look at this with fresh eyes in the morning?” After rocking such a hard orgasm, I was pretty much finished for the day.

“You go ahead, I want to get some work done.” She didn’t even give me time to respond.

She got up from the bed and grabbed the bathrobe draped over her chair and walked across the hall, leaving both my bedroom door and her office door open. She left the robe untied so that I could see her gorgeous nakedness as she worked. I watched her sketch for a while. She was so immersed in the drawings, her passion flying through her fingers as she created one after another. I wasn’t tired anymore since watching her had energized me, so I quietly walked over to her door, naked as the day I was born and gazed upon her as she created each vibrant design.

“What are you drawing?” I finally asked after she sensed I was there and was purposefully ignoring me.

“A maternity line,” she didn’t turn to look at me as she was so deeply focused on her work, it was almost like I was a ghost.

I didn’t like the idea of competing with her projects, but it was hard to deny her the time she needed to work on them. I hadn’t seen her that happy for a very long time.

“Well, don’t stay up all night, dear.” I tried to sound kind and encouraging, but what came out of my mouth wasn’t very nice. I thought about backtracking and being more enthusiastic about her work, but I didn’t have it in me. Even though she’d enamored most of Ireland, it wouldn’t be a man who’d steal her away from me; it would be her work.

“Yep,” was her curt non-response.

“Well, good night, Avery.” I walked away defeated.

She worked well into the night. In fact, I fell asleep long before she finished. When I woke up, she was still wearing her robe and was haphazardly sprawled across her side of the bed.

“Rise and shine, Princess.” I awoke her with a kiss.

“What time is it?” She didn’t even bother to open her eyes.

“Time to get ready for our big engagement party.” I was happier than I thought I’d be for the day to finally arrive, but she didn’t move.

“Aren’t you excited about marrying me?” I feigned a pouty voice.

“I’m not too excited about fighting with heels and hose again.” She turned and buried her face into the pillow. “Or putting on a show. I’m tired,” she grouched just as James knocked at the door.

“Georg is here,” he spoke through a crack in the door, choosing not to barge in this time.

“I’ll lodge your complaint with Georg. Maybe he can rustle you up some more comfortable footwear.” I slapped her on the ass and got ready to hit the shower. “You coming?” I looked over my shoulder as she laid there in a heap, not moving a muscle.

Feeling both excited and frustrated I threw a pillow from the armchair at her ass, but she didn’t even flinch. I looked to see if I could throw anything else, but since the pillow did no good, I doubted anything I could find would be much better.

“I’ll have the kitchen staff make you an espresso.” Naked, I walked back to the bed and scooped her up into my arms, she grumbled but didn’t fight me. “Sorry, Princess, but we’re getting engaged today. So, by order of the king of Ireland, let’s get that pretty little ass of yours ready.” I walked with her dead weight into the bathroom. “What time did you go to bed last night?”

“I didn’t,” she rasped as I turned the water on and ducked us under its spray.