Page 39 of Royal Fake

“No, I’m glad you did. I hope you always feel comfortable talking to me. I’m here for you. It must be really hard losing your mom at any age.” I held his hand, hoping he’d feel my compassion and understanding.

“It was worse for my father. He lost it big time and I don’t think he ever really got it back. I’m pretty sure that’s why he’s making me marry before I’m forty and before I take the throne. He wants to fill the empty halls again. He and I haven’t ever been very close. After Mom died we became even more distant. So… lucky you,” he changed gears, “you get to meet him in just a few minutes.”

“Oh boy, I’m thrilled.” I rolled my eyes and laughed feeling even more nervous.

Chapter 14


She looked beautiful sitting there dressed so impeccably. She reminded me of a younger version of my mother. Though I knew she didn’t like having to wear those clothes and her hairstyle was fifty years out of date, she was perfect. At least my father would think so when he met her. He had arranged to meet us as soon as we reached the palace. He wasn’t going to stand around waiting. He was really angry that I’d found someone on a whim in New York and worse, I was threatening to marry her over Lucy.

Doubtless, Lucy would be heartbroken but I had a cousin if my father wanted her married off to one of us, she could go with him. I felt empowered bringing Avery to my father because I was taking charge. I wasn’t going to go along with his harebrained ultimatum willingly. Marrying a complete stranger was liberating. The fact that Avery was dragging her feet was a little disheartening, but I knew I could charm her onto my side. She was already starting to change just a little. Soon she wouldn’t recognize the old Avery, nor would she want to live her prior life. It would take work, but I was determined.

I loved seeing the look on Avery’s face as soon as the limo pulled up to the palace. Our castle was located near a small peninsula north of Dublin. It was a proper European castle, all turrets, and stone. Impressive on the first impression but was also big and drafty.

“Do you guys really all live in a castle?” Her eyes were wide with wonder.

“Yes, officially. But literally, no. The main area is a tourist attraction and the private rooms are for official business. The dwellings are behind the estate. I have a small cottage at the back of the main building, none of us actually live in the castle.” I thought she’d feel more comfortable knowing we weren’t going to live in an oppressive stone monstrosity.

“Wow, this is all a little overwhelming,” she confessed, so I snuggled her in closer.

“I’m sure it is.” I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a commoner, more a New Yorker to be broadsided by the lifestyle of a European monarch, but she’d have to hit the ground running as I already saw my father and several select members of his staff standing on the front steps awaiting our arrival.

Rest assured, he couldn’t have given a rat’s ass about my return. He only wanted to be present to intimidate us. He’d inspect Avery, say something horrible and go on about his day. This display in front of the castle was all about power. He wanted to lord over Avery before she even had a chance to get her bearings. I’d seen him do it before, but I picked Avery for a reason. I presumed she had enough “I don’t give a shit” in her to not be too fazed by my father’s intimidation.

The limo pulled up to the steps and I leaned over to Avery.

“Okay, showtime.” I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“I can do this, I can do this,” she said to herself in a silent mantra.

“There’s nothing to do, you’re charming and beautiful. Be both and you’ll be fine.” I leaned in and gave her a soft seductive kiss on those gloriously pouty lips. “And when things get really intense, just focus on my father’s teeth, but not too hard.” And with that, the doorman opened my door and I got out and gave my hand to Avery.

“Do I bow?” she asked under her breath.

“Oh, right, yes, just a gentle curtsey would be fine.” I forgot that one little detail. As a foreigner, she wouldn’t be expected to know all the protocols right away, but a respectful curtsey would definitely be a given.

“Okay,” she seemed to be bucking herself up as we walked toward the entourage. Heat bubbled in my veins as I truly detested the way my father was leering at us. Who the hell meets a person outside with an army of staff?