“Hi,” I say. “How was your day?”

He smiles, putting the bag down. “Good. I forget how draining conferences can be, but Simon puts on some great food and seminars.”

I pick up my drink and turn to face him. He’s holding in his hand the LEGO set I saw in Toyworld yesterday. “I bought you this. I’m sorry for being so angry this morning. I was just as equally responsible for the fact that we haven’t talked, and I shouldn’t have placed all the blame on you. We were both hurt by those who claimed to love us. You and I are both new to this relationship, and we’re still learning each other. Here’s one thing about me: I like communication. I need to know what you’re feeling and thinking, no matter how silly you think it might be. Nothing you can ever say would be silly to me.”

His tone is soft and reassuring. He’s not going to think I’m silly for how I’m feeling, I’m sure of it. I take a breath and a sip of wine before looking at him. “Could you pour me a wine and join me on the couch?”

“Of course.” I do as he’s asked, and when I spin around, he’s sitting on the couch waiting for me. I hand him his drink then sit down.

“Where to begin? A lot is going on. Not only with my telling you my past, but how I feel about the clan and this whole Luna idea.”

He tilts his head to the side. “Let’s start with your past. I know your ex slept with your sister and got her pregnant. Is that the reason you won’t let me meet Autumn?”

I nod. “Yes. I shut myself off from men when I found out what Sam did, and honestly, I’m terrified it’s going to happen again. My sister is a very stunning woman. In fact, all three are. I am just average.”

“I don’t know about that. The woman before me is pretty fucking gorgeous, so much so that the moment I met you, I wanted to leap that bar and come claim you as mine.”

“Stop interrupting, or I’m never going to finish this story.” He pretends to zip his lips closed, and I continue. “I found out about Sam’s betrayal the night of my birthday. My birthday is Valentine’s Day. I was excited. My graduation was coming in May, and we would be married by then. Everything was perfect until they walked in and announced they were a couple and expecting a baby, which they asked me to deliver.” Declan balks. “I know. I didn’t, in case you’re wondering. For a long time, I questioned myself. Was I to blame? Was I working nights too often? Honestly, working nights was his idea. He said I should work nights and study during the day. That way, we could earn more money and get my degree faster. I was just stupid enough not to see what was going on beneath my nose.”

“You weren’t stupid. Financially, that makes sense, so you thought he was doing the best for you both. Instead, he manipulated the situation in his favour. That’s not on you, sweetheart. It’s all him.”

“I should’ve seen the fucking signs, Declan. I’d come home to different sheets on the bed that hadn’t been on there the day before. He was working nights when I wasn’t. There were charges for flowers, jewellery and lingerie that I never received. All the signs were there.

“When I told you I was nervous about tonight, I meant it in a way that I didn’t see how controlling Sam was of me during our relationship. Meeting his co-workers, he picked the outfit, how my hair was styled and even the makeup I wore. All the while, he let Summer do what she wanted, so I’ve heard through the grapevine. She is very high maintenance. I also learned that the money we had saved for our wedding paid for theirs.”

“Sweetheart, you assumed he was saving those things to surprise you with. Nothing wrong with that. Did you take some money before you left him?”

“Nope. He froze my name on the joint account. He didn’t know I had my paycheck coming into my own account, and he was only getting half of it. When I earned bonuses, I never told him. In the end, I still had some money.”

“Good girl.”

“Anyway, we broke up. As I discovered when moving my things out of the house, Summer couldn’t even wait for me to move out before she moved in. She was in the driveway already planning changes to the house. I stupidly believed they told me it was a fling. I found out a year later, on their wedding day, that it was a lie. He made a passionate speech about how the last two years of his life had been the best he’d ever had, and he couldn’t wait for many more with her.” I pause to gulp down a sip of wine and wipe a few stray tears away. “I found out the last year of my relationship had been a lie.”

“Have you seen them at all since?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No, nor my parents or other sister Spring. I’m closest with Autumn as she hated them all too. My parents tried to urge me to attend the wedding. I didn’t. I couldn’t face it or them. I should’ve been the bigger person, but I was hurt.”

Declan shakes his head. “No, being the bigger person would’ve only brought out more resentment within you towards them, and you were trying to heal at that time. You don’t need that toxicity in your life.” He takes my glass from my hand, places it on the table and lifts me into his lap. He wraps his arms around me. “You were severely burned by these two assholes, beautiful. Now I understand why you are so broken. I will put your heart back together. I promise you. And when I do, I will cherish it for the rest of our lives.”

“It’s not all that has been on my mind. Your clan has been too, and something Brendan said after the wolves came around. I don’t want to be the reason they leave you, and I’ve been wondering if your life would be easier without me in it. The clan would accept a wolf; they don’t seem too keen on a human who can’t shift or communicate telepathically with them.”

“You are perfect, you hear me? You are going to make one hell of a Luna. It’ll take time; it’s all.”

“They are never going to see me as their Luna. I’m human. I haven’t shifted despite all our other connections. Is it because we haven’t said I love you to each other before, or am I truly not meant to be your Luna? Is there something wrong with me?”

“Honey, I beg to differ. I saw you the night we first met, and you were kicking that guy’s ass. Want to know something you didn’t know? He was a wolf, just in human form.”

My mouth drops open, and my eyes widen. “He was a wolf?”

Declan nods. “Yes, so don’t you ever doubt for a moment you aren’t good enough to be my Luna or my woman. I don’t want anyone else. I want you. The mark doesn’t just appear on its own with anyone. I don’t ever want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, do you understand me?” I nod. “I will never tire of you, Winter. The sex with you is amazing. Hell woman, I’m no one-pump-chump, but you can get me going three to four times in a single sexy, fun session, and then a few hours later, we’re at it again. You drive me wild Winter Dallow, and one day, I’ll make it Winter Stone. I meant it when I said you are it for me. I love you. I didn’t believe in love at first sight, and like you, I fucking felt it right down into my bones.”

“I want to be accepted by your clan. I don’t know how to do that, though. I can’t defend myself against wolves. I can’t shift on command. I-”

“In time, I believe you will be able to do all that, and you will be truly magnificent when you do. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It’ll happen, and even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter to me. I love you.”

“I still need to show your clan I’m serious about being their Luna. I was thinking I could take lessons from your Nana on how to be the best in my role.”

“You don’t need lessons. You’re going to be great. But if you want to speak with Nana about things, I know she’d be honoured.” He grins. “I love you. I also have another gift for you.”