“I get the feeling you’re mad at me,” I say.
“I’m beyond mad. I’m livid. My sister told me how you decided to take a walk in the forest and got yourself lost, so your brother, a friend who is a policeman and she all went searching for you and found you, but then discovered you were all lost. She told me she fell down an embankment into a river, cutting herself on the way down. Quite frankly, I’m appalled. You claim to love my sister, yet you put yourself and her in danger?”
I flick my gaze to Winter.‘You’re a good liar. Should I worry about this new piece of information I’m learning about you?’
She chuckles in my head.‘No, my love, I would never lie to you, but we have to keep the secret, right?’
‘I love you,’I reply.
“Autumn, I’m extremely sorry. Yes, I was reckless to put myself in such danger. I am an avid hiker, but even the best can get into trouble. Honestly, I thought I’d take a quick walk to clear my head, but I got myself into trouble, as Winter said. I would’ve preferred your sister stayed home, but we both know she can’t follow instructions very well, and it’s one of the things I love and adore about her. I’m in love with her very much so. I’ll treat her the way she deserves, like a queen.” I wink at Winter.
‘How am I doing?”I ask.
She shrugs.‘Could be better.’
“I apologise and promise never to put myself in danger again. Can you forgive me?” I ask.
Autumn nods. “You seem sincere and to truly love my sister. As you already know, she has been damaged before. Take her heart, but don’t break it, or I’ll break you.”
I chuckle. “I take it I’m allowed to keep dating her?”
“You owe me a proper meeting. I want to know what sort of man you are,” she says.
“Of course. When Winter and I are feeling better, I promise you we will get together.”
She turns to Winter. “Are you ready to go?”
Winter looks between Autumn and me. “Autumn, I want to go home with Declan.”
Autumn shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. There is no one there to look after you.” Zane coughs, gaining Autumn’s attention. “Except for the best ED doctor around, I suppose.”
Zane chuckles. “Flattery won’t get you in my pants, but it’s a start.”
Autumn wrinkles her nose. “Trust me when I say we will never be getting together.”
I glance at Zane and grin before saying, “You want some aloe vera for that burn?”
“Oh, haha!” Zane does look disappointed, however.
As I look back to Winter, I’m struck with an idea. “Autumn, would you feel more comfortable if you came to stay at my place for a while? It’s just I’d rather not be apart from Winter, and it’s clear you want to look after your sister. Zane can’t always be there, so it’ll be good to have you around.”
Autumn’s face softens. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course. You’re not only Winter’s sister but also her best friend and biggest support system. I hope to marry your sister one day, which would make us family. I want to show you I am a good man.”
Winter steps forward into my arms, and I wrap my own around her. Holding my mate is the best feeling in the world. I was terrified the whole time I was taken that I would never see her again.
“Shall we go?” I ask.
“Please. I need some decent coffee and a shower,” Winter says.
I chuckle. “Me too.” I look at Autumn. “Do you know where the drive is to the cellar door for the CE Estates Winery?”
She nods. “I do. It’s our favourite place to have dinner.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Go another five minutes down that same road, and there is a long driveway.”
“I’ll meet you at the end of it,” Zane offers.