I suddenly don’t feel so good, and before I know it, I’ve shifted back into my human form, delirious from the blood loss.

“Winter, can you hear me?” Zane’s voice calls in the distance. He removes something and presses it against my most extensive wound, which is on my shoulder.

I look up at him. “How’d I do in wolf form?”

He chuckles. “Spectacular. Who knew that putting Declan in danger was the way to get you to shift? Shoulda done it sooner.”

Declan growls as he rushes to my side, and I slump against him. I look down and see I’m stark naked. I should be embarrassed, but I’m too cold and hurt to care. Graham removes his shirt and holds it out to me, which I slide on. “Any idea where the fuck we are?” he asks, looking up at Zane.

“No fucking clue. I was brought here unconscious.”

“I wasn’t,” I say. “We came from the road where we saw Declan’s car. I had almost made it back there when I was caught.”

“Alright, where is that?” Zane asks.

I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

“Best we get out of this dungeon and start walking until we find some sort of road,” Zane says.

Declan stands on shaky feet and slowly walks towards Zane. “My feet and wrists are burned red. I won’t be able to walk far,” he informs us as Zane opens the door.

“Pray we find a phone or car,” Zane says.

We make our way out into the bright sunlight. I lift my arm to shield my eyes, and we walk a few meters. There doesn’t seem to be any sign of another building, and when I look back, I see the bunker we were in was underground.

Graham begins carrying me out through the woods.

“Graham, put me down. I think I can walk,” I say.

“You sure? I don’t mind playing the hero,” Graham winks.

“Not a chance, Graham. That’s my woman to rescue,” Declan growls.

“Seems I was the rescuer today, boys.”

Declan looks at me and smiles. “Told you that you are in the right fairy tale.”

I smile, taking a few steps forward. I’m okay, despite being naked beneath the t-shirt. “Can we find a house or something? I feel exposed.”

Zane catches Declan as he begins to slump. We head further into the woods, finding no sign of human life whatsoever. Did she build the bunker with the intention of Declan never leaving it?

We make our way through the forest and into a clearing. Suddenly, I hear a call from above. Looking up, I see a stork circling above us.

‘We thought we’d never find you,’Tasha says.‘Martha, I found them. Stay there.’

We all stay put, and the next thing we know, Tasha comes down.‘I’m going to guide you out. Rafe, Kelcy, Liliana, and Brendan are all waiting. Brendan guided us to where Zane and Graham were last scented.’

So Brendan does seem to think secretly I will make a good Luna.Tasha guides us to the road where Liliana is waiting with bags full of clothes for us all. I’m grateful, even though she has to help me get dressed.

* * *

We clamber into the cars brought to pick us up, and I rest back on the seat and Declan for much of the ride home.

Arriving back at Declan’s, it’s a hive of activity with paramedics galore as we step inside the house. Declan is bombarded as soon as he enters the lounge by his grandmother, who hugs him tightly.

“What the hell happened?” Autumn’s voice calls across the room. She reaches me, and I collapse against her. “You’re bleeding. How did you get these wounds?”

“Let’s not focus on the why, but focus on helping Declan,” I reply.