Scarlett wrinkles her nose. “You stink too. My clan will get over your human scent. Perhaps in time, we can find a wolf for you to mate with, and then the stench will go away.”
She balls her hands into fists as Scarlett launches herself across the room, slapping Winter hard across the face. Rage twists inside me as I rebel against my shackles. I need to protect my mate. My need to transform drives me on.
Winter twists her head back to Scarlett. “You shouldn't have done that.”
“What are you going to do about it? You are only a human. There’s nothing special about you.” Scarlett laughs.
That’s when it happens. Winter’s face relaxes as she tips her head back, her clothes shred themselves, and her entire body morphs into that of a wolf.She’s gorgeous.She mimics my colours, with dark fur on top and a white belly. She leans back and looks at me. A powerful force is ignited between us. I break the chains as if they are made of dried plastic, shifting into my own wolf.
I’m still admiring my Luna as Scarlett transforms too. They circle each other, forgetting I’m even in the room as I make a play for the lone male wolf, not of my clan. He backs off until he hits the wall, and I tower over him. I growl loudly, and he takes off, not even trying to take me on. Pussy. All talk, no action.
I turn my attention back to the two women. Scarlett takes a swipe, but Winter dodges it. Winter strikes while Scarlett isn’t watching, claws catching fur, causing a deep gash. Scarlett growls, trying to mask her pain, then she lashes back harder, throwing Winter across the room. She hits the wall with a bang.
Scarlett bounds across the floor, but Winter moves back in time. My heart is racing as I watch my mate fight a battle I’m unsure she will win. She’s not transformed before, so this is all new to her.
Winter lands a kick to Scarlett’s stomach, giving her enough time to get away. Scarlett isn’t far behind Winter, though, snagging Winter’s tail, making her spin and lash out. Scarlett is again injured, with blood pouring from an open gash in her neck.
‘That's it, beautiful, keep going!’
I watch as Winter begins to tire. They both are. Winter is across the room, Scarlett takes a running leap, and in a moment of weakness, Scarlett pounces, landing right on top of Winter to pin her down. She leans in, teeth gnashing hard as Winter tries to shake her off.
‘Come on, beautiful, get up,’ I force the thought into her head.
Scarlett lashes out, wounding Winter’s shoulder. Winter howls. She looks at me, exhausted.
‘Come on, sweetheart! Get up and show me the Luna you are.’
This bitch is heavy. I growl loudly. This wolf form is all new to me, but it feels natural from the fur to the paws and claws. I still have a lot to learn about my newfound power and strength, but I feel like I have come alive.
‘Winter, focus all your energy on her,’Declan projects loud and clear in my head.
I don't respond. I can’t. I can feel my body getting weaker. Scarlett digs her claws in deeper, causing puncture wounds to my arms. I growl as she then claws her way down them, large open wounds are making everything worse, and I’m starting to lose my mind.
Get off bitch!
Suddenly, out of nowhere, I’m overcome with such force and power I push and toss her across the room. She lands on the glass table, and it shatters. I get up to my paws, and Declan is right by my side.
I cross the room, and Scarlett lays on the glass, blood oozing out of her neck and a growing pool under her. Getting closer, I see a long shard of glass protruding from her neck through the blood.
She exhales one last time and flops into stillness. I didn’t mean to kill her. Declan nudges me with his nose, and I look at him. I hadn’t meant for her to die, truly I hadn’t. I just wanted her off me.
‘I didn’t know that was going to happen, I swear,'I project into his head.‘I’m sorry. I was just trying to get her off me.’
‘I know, my love.’Declan responds.
‘I was so scared I’d never see you again.’
‘I love you, my strong, powerful Luna. Never did I dream a human could be so powerful. Let’s help Graham and Zane and get the fuck out of here.’
I turn around and head towards the two men in question, nudging them both, and Zane shakes his head.
“You are in so much trouble when you are back in human form,” he says.
I look around and find Declan has changed back into his human form and is stark naked. He finds some keys in a container above the fireplace to unlock Zane and Graham’s shackles. He carries them over to Graham, who unlocks his chains, then Zane’s.