The car ride is quiet, but the closer we get to the scene of Declan’s burned-out car, the more anxious I feel. My stomach twists into knots, my palms sweat, and my heart races. I only hope there is some trace of him out here and that we can find him or at least locate a lead we can follow.
Liliana continues driving away from the centre of Cromwell, further towards Arrowtown and then makes a turn onto a dirt road.
Following the path, she rounds a bend, and then we see it—the torched, black wreck of Declan’s car. My heart beats faster as tears well in my eyes. I can’t believe he survived this.
Liliana parks the car, and we clamber out. The vehicle is surrounded by crime scene tape, and as we approach, Zane inhales through the air. All I smell is stale smoke.
We approach the car and begin looking around. There is no sign of Declan anywhere.
“You smell that?” Zane asks, looking at Graham.
“It’s sweet and intoxicating,” Graham says.
“A woman’s perfume, perhaps?” Liliana says.
Zane shakes his head. “No, I think it’s something more. I’m going to follow it.”
“Not alone, you’re not!” Graham says.
Zane looks at Liliana and me. “Lily, you two can stay here for a while, but then you are to go home.” I open my mouth to protest. “Do not argue with me, Winter. While Declan is not around, I am in charge.”
“Alright, I’ll go, but I don’t have to like it.”
“I’m not asking you to,” Zane says. “Graham, let’s go.”
“As our animals?” Graham asks.
Zane chuckles. “Is there any other way?”
The next thing I know, I hear the sound of clothes ripping, then I’m in the presence of a wolf and bear. They nod at Liliana and me before disappearing into the woods. Liliana picks up the shreds of their clothes. While she is distracted, I take my chance and race off into the woods behind Zane and Graham. I have no clue where I am going. I know she will be mad as fuck at me when she sees me next, but I think she’ll understand in the long run.
I continue walking, feeling like I made a huge mistake doing this, but determined to find Declan. Walking through the woods, I hear movement ahead of me. I dart behind a tree and look around. Zane is ahead of me. My heart races, I’m breathing hard and fast, hoping like hell he doesn’t see me. They don’t, and both continue searching the air for the scent.
When they move forward, I move out from my hiding place, pausing for a moment as my body does something strange and I hear.
‘Winter, where did you go?’Liliana projects, and I hear her loud and clear.
‘Don’t be mad. I’m following Zane, Brendan and Graham.’I reply.
‘You can hear me! Winter that is fantastic news. I’ve been trying to connect with you for ages, and now it works. It means you’re going to change definitely.’Liliana replies.
I smile inwardly.‘I’ve got to go. I need to stay close to them.’I shut my mind off, but what Liliana and Margaret said dawns on me. I would eventually be able to hear the clan, and it’s finally happening. Today is that day, and now I know that I am destined to be the Luna of this clan, and I know they will accept me, but I have no idea when I will change.
I realise I have lost Zane and Graham. After a few moments, I find them standing in an open clearing, looking somewhat dumbfounded. They’re searching around the area again, finding something. I follow, making sure to stay out of sight and well hidden. I inhale, picking up the scent of some sweet smell. The scent of a she-wolf. Interesting that I can smell it as a human. I can only imagine how much stronger it is as a wolf.
I find Zane and Graham in a darker part of the forest. My ears perk up to the sound of noises—something akin to a pack of animals. I tuck myself behind a tree when several wolves circle Zane and Graham. However, I don’t see Brendan anywhere. I gasp as one lashes out at Graham.
I watch in horror as Zane and Graham are attacked, beaten black and blue until they are both unconscious. I back away from the tree as I watch as Graham and Zane are dragged away. I need to get to Liliana and fast.
* * *
I awaken groggily and take a few moments to look around the room. It’s not quite dark with a bit of light, and I inhale. A scent immediately fills my nostrils, the same scent we had been following from Declan’s car, but it’s not Declan’s; it’s someone else’s. In this room, it’s overpowering, and it makes me want to gag.
I spot Declan sitting across the room, chained around his wrists and ankles. His eyes are closed like he could be sleeping. I watch him closely. He’s filthy and stinks.
Graham jerks awake beside me. “Where are we?” he questions and looks down. “Oh, thank fuck someone at least cares enough that we aren’t naked.”