“Just now. I swear he said ‘I love you’, well, at least it was his voice at any rate.”
“So you’re telling us you heard him, but it could’ve been a dream? Oh, my God! Zane, can we just get on with the fighting and hard work while Little Miss Human goes and gets her nails done? We will shift into our animal forms and hunt out his scent. We will find him, and I’m sure, when he is back, he will see she isn’t much of a Luna, then he’ll pick the strongest female in the pack to become his,” Tammy says, pointing at me. “She can’t even shift, for fuck sake. Some Luna. Don’t you agree, Brendan?”
Brendan shrugs. “I’ve seen you fierce, Winter, when you threatened to kick my ass over your car, but you haven’t done much for anyone since.”
Margaret says, “She’s a human who hasn’t shifted yet, but give it time.” She gives me a knowing look like she knows something I don’t.
Zane groans. “I’m too tired to deal with this shit. Can we find Declan and then deal with everyone’s petty problems afterwards?”
Brendan shoots him a look. “That’s just it. He says he feels she is his mate, but how do we know it for sure. I think Tammy would be a better Luna.”
“Do you think Declan would choose someone as selfish as her? Tammy, I believe when Zane called this meeting together, you told him you couldn’t come because you were getting your nails and hair done. Give it a fucking rest. Winter will shift in time,” Liliana says, shoving Tammy backwards. Tammy growls, as does Liliana.
“Guys, the stress doesn’t help our situation. Winter, I’m sceptical like Tammy. If he has reached out to you, why hasn’t he contacted me?” Zane says. My heart sinks. I never expected Zane not to believe me. He looks at me sadly. “I need to talk with Graham and set up another search.”
“I’ll come with you. Perhaps my tracking skills can be of use,” Tammy says, getting out of her seat and giving me a smug look. They exit the room as Margaret comes over to me.
“Don’t listen to them, dear. The Alpha’s bond with his Luna is stronger than any other. I believe he tried to reach out to you,” Margaret says, handing me a plate of food.
I don’t feel very hungry, but I know not eating won’t solve the issues. I can’t wait until tomorrow to get away from here and head to work.
I take my meal into the pool room to eat alone. I don’t know if the clan will ever accept me. All I want is to find Declan, bring him home, and never let him go again without telling him how much he means to me.
He is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I will do whatever it takes to find him.
I jerk awake. I feel like shit. Nausea rises within me, and my body aches from sleeping in one position, for I have no idea how long, and I’m thirsty. So fucking thirsty. Looking around, I see a tap across the room.
I rattle at my chains, trying to free myself of them. Anger turns to desperation as I tug on the shackles trying to free my hands, only worsening my already sore wrists. My wrists and ankles have been red raw for a while as the silver burns into my skin. Damn it!
I don’t even know how long I’ve been here in this room. Whatever Scarlett has me on is powerful and consuming. I don’t know what I do when I’m on this potion. I only hope she hasn't tricked me into handing over my clan yet.
My heart sinks as my thoughts turn to my clan and Winter. I haven't been able to project thoughts to her. I’m too weak, and I’m scared if I drain my energy too much, I’ll give into Scarlett's demands. I can’t do that. I will never do that. My mate will have to be in the dark, at least for now.
The iron door opens with a creak. I hear the sound of high heeled shoes meeting the concrete floor, and I glance up and see Scarlett come into the room carrying a tray. My stomach fills with dread. I know what’s on that tray.
She places the plate of poisons onto the table just inside the door and turns to look at me. “How is my patient today?” She croons.
I don’t answer. She marches across the room and grips my chin in her hand, forcing me to look at her.
She walks back over to the tray she had brought inside, picks it up then places it in front of me. I’m surprised to find it’s not the needle I was dreading, but food. My stomach growls loudly.
“You have five minutes to eat, and when I return, I had better get the answer I want."
She exits the room, and I scoff the food down, only stopping to breathe. She returns all too quickly, this time carrying another tray, and I know for sure this time it has those bloody needles on it. I need to stall her somehow.
“Can I have some water?” I ask.
She looks at me, and I expect her to reject my request, but she nods. She carries it over to me and helps me drink it. “Finished?” she asks. I nod, and it earns me a slap. “What do you say?”
“Thank you.”
Slap!My face burns. “You’re supposed to say ‘Thank you, my love.’”
So, she has me on some kind of love potion?