“Mum, she’s not. As a nurse, she is supposed to give you medicine. It makes you feel better.”
I pick up the hot drink Scarlett made me and take a sip. My mother looks at me as she climbs onto the bed. “I’m not crazy, Declan. I know what I saw.” I believe her. I have to. She’s my mum, and I’m so desperate to have her back that I have to believe her.
“Alright, Mum, how did she poison you?”
She looks at me, her eyes wide and a smile on her face. “You believe me?”
“I do, but I need to know how.”
She shakes her head and begins to ramble again. Just like that, she’s back to being the shell of herself that I have known from ten years ago. Moments later, a medical crew arrives to sedate her.
The doctor pulls me aside. “What is going on?” I demand.
“All I can say is that sometimes patients like your mum have periods where they are more like themselves before returning to their catatonic state. We don’t know why it happens, but it can. We will take good care of her.”
I nod. “Please call me when things are clear. I want to know her condition. Oh, and one more thing. Can you keep that nurse Scarlett away from her? She seems unsettled when Scarlett is around.”
“I will do all I can, Mr Stone.” The doctor turns and walks away, and the last thing I hear from my mother is her screaming my father’s name throughout the halls.
It’s like the day he died all over again.
I make my way out to my car and climb into the driver’s seat.
Suddenly, there is rapping on my window, and I turn to find Scarlett standing there. I wind the window down, only for her to stab me with a needle before I can say or do anything to defend myself.
And my world goes dark.
I’m in a dark room, my hands behind my back. Breathing in deeply, the air is thick, and the stench is overpowering. I can’t move. There’s something heavy strapped to my legs. Wriggling a little, the distinct sound of metal alerts me. I’m chained. Looking around the room, I can’t make out much of my surroundings. I manage to move, so I’m sitting on the hard floor.
Where am I?
Footsteps are coming down the hall, and my heart rate quickens as I wriggle against my chains. I scream for help. When the door opens, I breathe a sigh of relief. There’s someone here to help me. The person moves over towards me, wearing a grin. I recognise her instantly. Scarlett, the nurse, and my relief is short-lived. She smiles. It’s not a nice one, but one boasting nefariousness.
Something is forced towards me, and I feel a pinch in my neck. Short and sharp. Then I float into darkness once more.
I awaken suddenly, my heart pounding in my chest and my body sticky with sweat. What the hell was that? I toss the blankets off myself, needing to let my body breathe.
I sit up and check the time. It’s just before 5 am. I’ll have a shower. I need to wash away that weird dream. And yet, it felt so real, especially at the end. I try to think what was poked into my neck, but I can’t get a view. It’s all fuzzy.
I cast my gaze to the empty left-hand side of my bed, wishing Declan was here with me. I could cuddle him and know it was just a dream. An awful dream.
Making my way into the bathroom, I turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. I look at myself in the mirror while I do so. I look a mess, with dark bags under my eyes, and as I yawn, I realise that I don’t feel rested at all for the first time in months. Since Declan has come into my life, I have slept the best in years. Of course, all the sex probably helps with that too.
I climb into the piping hot water, allowing it to wash over me. Quickly, I wash myself down, get out, and dry off. I dress in my work scrubs and make my bed before heading out to the kitchen, where I find the lounge still dark. Autumn won’t be awake yet, and I’ll probably be gone before she is.
I flick the jug on and make myself a coffee. While I wait, I unlock my phone and fire off a message to Declan.
Me:Hey, handsome. I’m just sending this before I head to work. I hope you had a fun night with Zane and kicked his ass at pool. I love you.
I’m just finishing making my hot coffee as Autumn arrives in the lounge.
“I thought I smelled the delicious aroma of coffee.” She smiles as she sits on a barstool at the kitchen bench-top.
“Want one?” I ask.