I scoff. “Like fuck.”
“Race tonight? You and me? Winner picks the prize.”
“Then I’m going to have sweet, sweet victory.” I chuckle.
“This takes me back to when you two were younger,” my mum says.
She stretches her hand out, and I clasp it in mine. This is a sweet moment, one I never thought I’d ever get again, but I’m so glad I have. My mum turns her gaze to Winter and smiles. I don’t need to hear my mum’s thoughts to know she approves of my future Luna.
Moments later, a nurse walks into the room. I recognise her instantly. It’s Scarlett, the barista from Edward’s café, where I buy my morning coffee. I didn’t know she worked here. She smiles, and her face lights up when she sees me.
“Declan, don’t tell me that Laura is your family member,” she says.
Winter tightens her grip on my hand as even my Nana stiffens beside me. Are they feeling something I’m not?
“My mum.”
“Then I can promise you she is in good hands,” Scarlett smiles, picking up my mum’s chart. When she puts it down, she says, “She’s not due for medicine just yet, so I’ll let you all be. If there is anything I can get any of you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
The last statement is directed at me. I’ve known for a while she’s got a thing for me, but wow! To be like this in front of my family and the woman I’m in love with is brazen.
She exits as Winter leans over. “I don’t like her.”
My mum and Nana nod in agreement. I don’t want to think about it. I just want to enjoy being here with my mum. Who knows if I’ll ever get this chance again?
* * *
I’m currently sitting in the small swimming pool that is Declan’s bathtub. We spent several hours today with his mother, and we left with a promise to go back and see her soon. Declan was quiet on the drive home to his place. When we arrived home, he immediately told me he would let off some steam and frustration in the gym. I let him. He needs to work through things and his feelings from today. I’m sure he will tell me in time.
Climbing out of the tub, I grab myself a towel and make my way into the bedroom where Declan has set up a tray on the bed with some chocolates, a wine bottle with two glasses just waiting to have the liquid poured into them, and he’s resting there waiting for me, clearly still lost in his head.
“Penny for your thoughts?” I ask.
He looks directly into my gaze and smiles. “Oh, I was just thinking about my mum and dad. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted what they had with their love story. That strong, powerful bond and I’ve finally found it with you.” I smile as I cross the room and crawl onto the bed to rest beside him. He looks at me. “Winter, I love you. I truly love you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
I move closer to him. “I love you too. Declan, I want nothing more than to make you and me happy. You’ve begun healing my heart and not little pieces at a time either. There is no other man I want in my life. I was going to keep this a surprise until I’d won over your clan, but I want to become your Luna. Officially. I want to show everyone we are meant to be together.”
A grin wider than the Cheshire Cat’s spreads across his face, then he practically leaps at me, careful not to knock over the wine.
“Are you fucking serious?”
I nod before he starts peppering kisses on my lips, neck and chest until I’m laughing like a giggling school girl.
“That is the best news I could hear. Today has been one huge surprise, but you, my love, take my breath away. I don’t even know what to say right now.”
“Don’t say anything. Shall we drink some wine and have our own little party?” I ask.
He moves off me and pours out two glasses while I dash into the wardrobe and grab a nightdress from the section he has dedicated to me. He did it after we got back from Wellington, and it was a sweet surprise staring at the items displayed as though I finally belonged there. I’m damn sure there are more in there than ever before. Exiting the bedroom, I find him waiting for me with two glasses of wine in his hands.
He hands me one. “I love you.”
“I asked your Nana about the Luna ceremony last night. She told me that we can do it whenever we like.”
“Now?” he asks.
I shake my head. “Down boy, not so eager. I want to do it, but I’m just thinking maybe we do it as a private ceremony. I want it to be just us and our witnesses. That way, we keep the secret from any human guests we invite to our wedding.”