I hear crying in the background. “I had better go and give my wife a hand, but we will talk Monday.”

“Sounds great. See you, Simon.” I hang up the phone as I hit the bottom step. I look at Zane. “You ready for an ass-kicking?”

He chuckles. “In your dreams.” He hands me a drink, and I take a sip as Winter descends the stairs, smiling.

“Simon and Aria named their baby,” I announce.

“They did? What did they call her?” she asks.

“Wynter Night Billington. Wynter is spelled with a y.”

Tears skim her eyes as she looks at me. “Wow, that’s such a great name.”

“Beautiful, you are one hell of a midwife, and I think they did it for you. Now, go get yourself a wine and come back here to watch while I kick Zane’s butt.” She disappears as the front door opens, and in walks Nana, followed by Ravin.

“Hey, what are you two doing here?” I ask.

“You’re my older brother, who I haven’t seen in a while because he’s living in a love bubble, so I thought I might come to have a girls night with my soon-to-be sister-in-law.”

I glance at Nana. “Declan, I have news. Your mother wishes to see you and meet your soon-to-be Luna.”

Now, I know why Ravin is here, and it’s to support me, forget the girls night.

* * *


I finish pouring a glass of wine when I hear familiar voices in the lounge. Declan’s Nana and Ravin are here. Moments later, Ravin appears in the kitchen wearing a great big smile.

“Hey, how are you?” she asks.

“I’m great, and you?”

“Enjoying some much needed ‘me’ time. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mummy, but it’s hard work sometimes.” She pulls a wine glass down from a cupboard and pours herself some wine from the bottle I was about to put into the fridge.

“I have no doubt, and I believe if you don’t get those breaks, you will crack.”

She smiles. “I knew there is a reason I like you.”

“Am I interrupting a family thing?” I ask.

She looks at me with an arched eyebrow. “What are you talking about? You are one of the family, but we are here for a specific reason. I’ll tell you here, so it’s not so much of a shock. Our mother wants to see Declan and meet you. It’s the most aware she’s been in years, honestly.”

We make our way out to the lounger, where Declan and his Nana are sat on the couches. Declan looks at me, and I head straight over to his side. “My mum wants to see me and meet you.”

“So Ravin has said.”

“I’m not sure how I feel about this. I haven’t seen her in ten years. I don’t know if I can see her only to have to scream and cry the way she did the last time.”

“We will be with you,” Nana says gently.

Zane slaps his hand onto Declan’s shoulder. “I got you, bro.”

“What if Mum sees me with Winter and thinks I’m Dad and that I’ve moved on? What if she tries to shift and attack us?” he asks.

“She won’t, Declan. Your mother wants to see you as soon as possible. She can feel the energy of another Luna in our family and wants to meet her. She knows you are her son. This is the most aware she has been in a very long time. I always talk about you when we visit. She knows she has a son named Declan and has been confused as to why you don’t visit.”

I reach over and squeeze his hand. “Let’s go tomorrow. I’m not working, and it’s probably my only day off in a fortnight. We should go sooner rather than later.”