She looks down. “Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”

“You noticed.”

She grins as she glides her hands around my neck, then grinds her hips into mine, leaning down to kiss me.Snap!The chair gives way beneath us, and I wrap my arms around her tightly to cushion our fall as we tumble to the floor. Winter leans up, untangling her hands from around my neck.

“Are you okay?” she asks, her face concerned.

“I think so. Nothing feels broken except the chair.”

“Holy fuck! Are you two okay?” Zane’s voice sounds. I tip my head backwards to find him standing in the doorframe of my office. I give him a thumbs-up as Winter gathers her blouse together and clambers off me. She exits the room quickly. I’ll follow her soon once I’ve sent Zane away.

He looks down. “I think the chair is broken.”

I chuckle. “Yeah. I needed a new one. What are you doing here?”

“Want to have a drink and play some pool?” he asks.

“In other words, you couldn’t find a hot nurse tonight, and I’m the consolation prize.”

He nods. “Some prize.”

“I’m a great prize.”

“I’ll go get us set up for pool and drinks.”

“Sure. Just let me check on Winter and make a phone call first.”

I make my way into the bedroom, where Winter jumps out of her skin.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just coming to check if you are okay.”

She shrugs. “Embarrassed, but I’ll get over it.”

“I’ll give you a massage later. Now, I’m going to play pool with Zane and have a few drinks. Come down if you want to when you are ready.” She nods, and I head out towards the stairs, dialling Simon’s number as I go.

I’m prepared to leave a message when he answers, “Hello, Simon Billington speaking.”

“Hey, Simon, it’s Declan. I hope you and the family are doing well.”

“We are indeed. Our gorgeous wee girl has settled in nicely to the crazy life that we live. Please tell me you’re ringing about the job.”

“I am. I’m turning it down.”

“I was afraid of that. May I ask why?”

“It’s not me. I’m not made to be cooped up in an office all day. I like what I do down here and working out in the vineyard. I honestly don’t see myself working in an office wearing a suit. I have family commitments down here too.

He chuckles. “Fair enough. I am sorry to hear it, but I understand. Would you be willing to step into the role as a secondment position until I find someone? You can work remotely from Cromwell, only travelling here for larger meetings, all paid for by the company.”

“Of course.”

“Excellent. It’ll come with a pay rise too, which you’ll keep when done.”

“That’s very generous of you.”

“On another note, I’m glad you called. Aria and I have sent Winter a gift for all her help with delivering our baby. It will arrive via the winery if you could give it to her. And we have named our daughter Wynter Night Billington. Wynter is spelled with a y. Aria liked the name so much it stuck.”

“Congratulations, and Winter will love the name. It’s unique.”