“Don’t be sorry. You didn’t do this. Did they take anything?”

“According to Graham, all they took was my spare electric shaver.”

“That’s odd.” He doesn’t say another word as he pulls me towards him. He rinses me down with the soap before we get out.

“Did you have fun tonight?” he asks, handing me a glass.

“I did. Thank you for letting me come. You were right. Those ladies are nothing like the ones I’m used to. They were way better. You wait until I tell Lily I met her favourite author. You mentioned Simon offered you a job earlier. What was it?” I ask.

“He offered me a job as the Corporate Wineries Manager. He’s allowing me to think about it.”

“That’s great and a wonderful opportunity.”

He smiles. “You had a better one delivering Simon and Aria’s baby. I was informed they had a girl, not the boy they’d hoped for.”

“Honestly, I don’t think he cared after tonight.”

“You were wonderful tonight, my love, and I know for sure you’re going to be the perfect Luna.”



Imbeciles. Once again, they failed me. Failed to retrieve the correct item.

Sometimes when you need a job done right, you simply have to do it yourself.

I’ll take him myself—obtain what I need. I might even let him be awake long enough to see my pack conquer his precious clan. They will all fall at my feet when they realise I am the better leader of us all. I’ll be fair and just to those who willingly join me, but for those who don’t, violence will be the only way to end them.

Discovering I have all the ingredients I need to make a sleeping draught, I dance around my lair. It’ll be enough to steal Declan. Then, I can produce the potion I have desired.

Oh, why did I not think of this in the first place? It certainly would’ve made the last few months less stressful.

Time to put my plan into action.

I will have my revenge.



I’m sitting at my desk in my home office, staring at the job description in front of me. I’ve read this so many times that I know it off by heart. Simon and James made me a great offer, but I’m not taking it. Now, I just have to ring him and tell him.

A pair of small, soft hands slide onto my shoulders and begin to rub.

I tilt my head back to discover I’m leaning against Winter’s breasts. I smile—my favourite place to rest.

“You have been staring at that job description for days. Have you made a decision yet?” she asks as she comes to sit in my lap. I glide my hands down her thighs, around the curves of her sexy ass, squeezing it as I pull her closer. The chair we’re in gives a loud creak as we move until we are both comfortable.

“I’m turning them down. While it’s a great offer, it’s not me. I enjoy getting out into the vineyard and helping out the staff when they’re short-handed. I enjoy making the wine and meeting the customers who taste it, then want to buy it.”

“Have you told him yet?”

I shake my head. “No. I’m trying to give them time with their new baby. Have you been reading Riley’s books again?” I’m feeling in the mood for a bit of distraction as I glide my hand up her blouse and unbutton it revealing one of my favourite bras of hers.

“How can you tell?”

I grin. “You’re wearing the bra that says I want to have sex.”