She nods as her body begins to shake. Shock and cold are setting in.

“Another one,” I announce the next contraction.

She bears down as I reach forward to guide the baby’s head out. “Oh, fuck, it burns.”

“Push through it, Aria,” I command. She does, and the baby’s head emerges. I get the shoulders out, followed by arms. “Aria, reach down and grab your baby.” She does and lifts it onto her chest.

She leans on her husband, shaking and crying. “I did it. I fucking did it!”

Simon’s eyes are watering, too, as he leans down to kiss her forehead. “We have our baby.” Aria glances between its legs.

“Where’s the penis?” She looks crushed, and I glance too and see a vagina. Although they were told they were having a son, it’s a girl. “I wanted a boy!” she wails. “I wanted to give you a son.”

“I don’t fucking care. You are all I care about, my love, and these girls are going to be a nightmare as teenagers, but I love you all so much.” Simon’s declaration of love is everything a woman needs to hear. He places his hand over his newborn daughter’s back and leans down, kissing her forehead. She looks at me bewildered for a moment. “Why do I feel like I need to push again?”

“That would be the placenta coming,” I reply.

“Take the baby, Simon,” she says. He takes his daughter as Aria, and I deliver her placenta. She’s shivering at this point. “I want to get warm and into my clothes. Oh, my God, I don’t have anything here for maternity!”

“I need to check to make sure you haven’t torn, and we can organise some items. I think I might even have maternity pads in my emergency midwife kit. I learned a long time ago to be prepared to help a mother out who is in need no matter where I go.”

“You really are a lifesaver,” Aria states.

I help her get into the shower to rinse off, then into the bathroom with pyjamas. I find I have maternity pads in my bag and toss them to her. I’ll replenish them later. She hasn’t torn, and their midwife arrives shortly after I have them settled into bed.

I step out into the lounge where Heidi, Riley, and Melissa are waiting.

Simon comes over to me. “How can we thank you? You were meant to be on holiday, not working.”

I laugh. “It’s my job, Simon. I’m just glad I could help. You now have the job of thinking of a name for her. I’m going to find Declan and have another cocktail since I didn’t finish the other one.”

“Have as many as you like. Our midwife is here now.”

“It was lovely to meet all of you. Enjoy the time with the new addition.” I exit the room. My dress is soaked, and I ring Declan.

“Hey, beautiful. Everything okay?” he asks.

“Sure is, but I need to change my dress, then I want another cocktail.”

“I’ll bring you two up to our room. The party has wound down now, and I’ll meet you there.”

“I love you,” I say.

I get into the lift and make my way to our room. Once there, I strip out of the wet garment and walk into the bathroom, deciding I’ll have a quick shower. Declan enters the hotel suite moments later, carrying two freshly made cosmopolitans. “I’m just going to jump in a shower,” I announce

He grins. “Can I join?”

“Sure.” He places the drinks down on the nightstand in our room and begins to strip out of his clothes when his cell phone rings. “It’s Zane. I have to get this.”

“Take your time.” I wink and head for the bathroom.

When I hear him cursing through the stream of water, I know something is seriously wrong. He enters the bathroom moments later, stark naked with a look of pure rage on his face. “What’s happened?”

“We’ve been burgled. Your houseandmine.”

“Is Autumn okay?” I ask.

He nods. “She’s fine. Lily is staying with her for the time being. Your LEGO creations were smashed, though. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”