I look down at my necklace. “It’s so gorgeous. I didn’t think Declan had seen it.”
“I couldn’t miss it, sweetheart. You shoved my face into the glass to show it to me.” Declan laughs.
Aria winces beside me, and Simon moves to rub her back. “You okay, honey?” he asks.
She nods. “Yeah, just that bloody backache again.”
My ears perk up, and I look at her. “Aria, how long have you experienced the backache for?”
She waves her hand at me. “All day. I think it’s just the baby stretching. He’s a big boy this one.” She looks at me, alarmed. “Why, do you think it’s something more?”
“How far along are you into the pregnancy?” I ask.
“Thirty-seven weeks. Why? I had my last baby at thirty-seven and a half.”
“Would you mind if I were to take a look over you and make sure everything is okay?” I ask.
“No, I don’t mind at all, and some tips on getting this kid out would be welcomed too.” She grits her teeth as obviously another pain shoots through her back.
“Declan, I need my emergency midwife bag. Don’t ask why it’s in my luggage, but it is. I need you to grab it,” I instruct Declan. “Simon, we need to move Aria discreetly to your hotel room so that I can look her over.” Simon nods and turns to Declan. “Meet us at Executive Suite One. Twenty-fourth floor.”
“Gotcha, boss.”
Declan disappears out of the party, and I help Simon move Aria towards the lifts, one step at a time. Once inside the lift, she leans against her husband for comfort as her face contorts in agony. I’m now more convinced than ever that she is in labour.
* * *
My heart is pounding the entire ride up to the hotel suites. Finally, we arrive at the top floor, and Simon races on ahead to unlock the door. We make our way into the bathroom, where he strips Aria of her dress. She turns to me. “Can I put the shower on? I found it helped during my last labour.”
“Of course, you can. Did you want to try some time in the bath too?” I ask.
She nods, and I begin getting the bathtub ready. Simon turns on the shower, and Aria steps beneath it, allowing the hot water to run over her back. Simon remains in his suit pants and helps her in the shower. She’s rocking back and forth. A knock on the door, and it opens. Riley speaks for a moment. She arrives at the bathroom door. “Declan has your bag. He said he’s going to head back to the cocktail party. James’ will give your speech Simon. Lara asked Aria to send him a copy earlier in the week.”
Simon breathes a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Riley.” She hands me my bag, and I grab all the items I need to attend Aria. It’s the basics, but it’s enough to deliver this baby should I need to.
“Aria, I need you to step out of the stream of water for me. I need to check your cervix to see how dilated you are.” I instruct her as I get my doppler ready to check the baby’s heartbeat. She moves, and I kneel before her. “If I hurt you, I don’t mean to, okay? Widen your stance nice and wide for me.” Except as I’m about to check her, a gush of water rushes out of her body, all down my arm.
“Oh, my God! I’m so sorry.” Aria looks mortified.
“That’s the first time it’s ever happened to me, but it’s a good sign.” I check her, surprised to find her dilated to ten centimetres already. “Hello, baby!”
She looks at me. “You can feel my baby?”
“Yes, and you’re ten centimetres dilated already. I suspect, Aria, that you have been in labour all day today. Your little one is ready to enter this world.” I remove my hand away from her gently to not hurt her.
“I want to get into the tub now.” She moans. “No, change of plans, I don’t have time.” I can see the fear on Simon’s face as he stares at me.
“She’s going to be just fine. This baby isn’t far away from being here.” I smile reassuringly. He doesn’t relax, nor do I expect him to. This isn’t how they planned this to go at all, but I will do everything in my power to make it go as smooth as possible.
“I feel pressure, Winter,” Aria moans. She collapses on the shower floor. Simon grabs her hand, and I look down. “I want to push.”
“Push Aria, listen to your body.”
She bears down gently, and the baby moves down the birth canal. She takes a breath and goes right back at it. My heart hammers in my chest the entire time. I’m always on edge when doing home births. I worry the cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, or that they’re breached, or some other complication. Aria lets her breath go and leans back.
“I can’t do this. Simon, I want to go to the hospital. I’m being all rich bitch billionaire wife right now, but I want it.”
“Aria, look at me,” I snap. She moves her eyes to mine, filled with fear. “Sweetie, you got this. I can touch the top of your baby’s head already. Next contraction, you’ll have the head out.”