“And he pursued you from there?” Aria asks, swooning a little.
“He did. He was relentless too, and eventually, I came to my senses and realised he’s the man I want to be with,” I reply.
“I met Simon in a lift. I tell everyone he attacked me with his mouth. The kiss wasn’t solely unwanted,” Aria offers.
“James hit a tree while checking me out as he was running along the beach,” Riley says.
“Tristan and I met on a blind date. Literally. We were blindfolded at the table. It was fun, and we still do it once a month to this day. Keeps the spark alive,” Heidi says.
“I met Lara through my brother. She’s his assistant, though I didn’t know she was a lesbian until I saw her out on the town one night at a club. I’ll never forget the dress you were wearing that night or the sexy way you danced with me. I took her home, and the rest is definitely history,” Melissa says.
“Did I hear you say you delivered Declan’s sister’s baby? Are you a midwife?” Riley asks.
“I am,” I say, picking up my drink and taking a sip.
“That is awesome and such a special moment to be a part of. I can’t wait to meet this little one. He was a surprise for sure, as Simon and I had discussed not having any more kids. I think he was secretly worried about our third child being another girl.”
“Pfft, he wouldn’t care. He loves you all. He just wants you and the baby to be healthy,” Riley says. “The twins are enough for James and me. Especially with the dogs.”
“Tristan and I want two kids. I’d love a boy and girl as that’s what we grew up with, but as we had our daughter first, she’ll be the protective older sibling. He wants a house full of kids, but I don’t, so we settled on two,” Heidi says.
“If I had a dollar for the number of times I’ve heard women scream ‘I’m never doing this again’ during their first labour, I’d be rich because eighteen months to two years later, I see them again.” I laugh before taking a sip of my drink. “What do you all do for a living?” I ask.
Declan was right when he said these women were nothing like the colleagues’ partners that Sam would introduce me to. They’re way better.
“I’m Simon’s personal assistant, and honestly, I don’t think that man would know how to function without me,” Aria says.
“I am a romance author and photographer,” Riley slides two business cards across the table to me. “If you scan the QR code on the back of the business card, it takes you to my author page.” Glancing down, I read the name Eva R. Fields.
“You’re Eva R. Fields? I love your books, as does my best friend who recommended them to me. I think I’ve read most of them. I might have maybe two or three more left to go.”
“Thank you. It’s always nice to hear that. Sometimes I worry they’re not good enough,” Riley says.
“Not good enough! How do you think I ended up in this condition?” Aria points to her stomach.
Riley laughs out loud. “That is not my problem.”
“Your books are hot, girl, so don’t ever say that you aren’t good enough. You are.”
The guys return moments later. Declan moves to sit beside me, and I turn to look at him. “Is everything okay?”
“Great. Simon offered me a job. I’ll tell you more about it later,” he replies.
“What were you all talking about before we interrupted?” Simon asks.
“Our jobs, and Riley was saying she doesn’t feel good enough as an author,” Aria says.
James looks at his wife and pulls her to him. “Do you need some more inspiration, baby? Because I’m sure I can help in that department.”
“Aria and Winter set me straight. Winter has only just started to read my books, but her best friend has read them all,” Riley says.
“Watch out, Winter. She might put you in a book,” James says with a chuckle.
I turn to Heidi. “We never discussed your job. What do you do?” I ask.
“That’s easy. The necklace around your neck is one of my creations. I’m a jewellery designer, and I own Elliott’s Manufacturing Jewellers,” Heidi says.
“She created all the jewellery that Simon and James have bought for myself and Riley over the years,” Aria announces.