He sighs heavily. “Give this madness up. You have a strong pack. Why are you not happy with us?”
“Because,” I hiss, “I want the pack that was supposed to be mine. My birthright. I’m owed it.”
“We could run away together and be happy.”
I shake my head. “No, my mind is made up. I want that clan.”
“I have been informed that Alpha Declan has a Luna. A human Luna,” my Beta informs me.
“This is an interesting change in events. A human, you say?” I muse. “By whom did you hear this?”
“One of the wolves who came back soaking wet awakened during the fight and stuck around to overhear the conversation.”
I smile with glee. “Excellent. This will make my victory that much sweeter.”
He nods. “Will you give it up now? You can’t possibly take them both on.”
“Are you doubting my skills?” I demand.
“No, I’m not, but I’m worried that you’re taking things a little too far.”
“Just go do as I have ordered. No arguments.” He bows and exits the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I will have that ingredient, and soon even if I have to use all my unmated males to get it.
Winter has been distant this week. She’s hardly said much to me over the last few days. I’m trying to be patient with her, but it’s hard. I’m sure it has something to do with the clan not accepting her entirely, but I wish she’d just tell me what is wrong so I can help fix it. I’d love for her to shift and become a wolf, but I find myself questioning if she really wants it.If she shifts, everything would be perfect, but I’m concerned about the clan dynamic and their acceptance of her if she doesn't. I know I’ll be okay with either. She’ll still love and accept me as I will her.
She’s not working tonight as we leave for Wellington tomorrow and have to drive to the Queenstown airport to catch our flight. I’m hoping we can talk about things or get the ball rolling on discussing our latest hurdles.
I’m standing in my kitchen, waiting for Winter to arrive home. Normally, she’s here by now. We share a morning coffee, and then I head off to work while she goes to bed. She’s not here yet, though.Maybe she got caught up delivering a baby?It occasionally happens that she runs late because of such things. Bringing babies into the world was never something that could be scheduled.
My cell phone starts ringing on the bench-top. I glance down and see Winter’s name flashing on the screen.
“Hey, beautiful, I was beginning to wonder if you’d gotten lost,” I say.
I feel the excitement bubble within me at the prospect of seeing her. Even after a night of work, with her hair a mess, she’s still the most gorgeous woman in the world to me.
“Not lost, and this won’t be easy to say, but I want to head back to my place. Before you say anything, I’m not asking for space from you. I want to spend some time with Autumn and pack some things from my place that I don’t have at yours.”
I inhale. This isn’t what I wanted to hear, but she hasn’t directly asked me for space. “I could come over to yours. I’ll bring some wine, and we can relax after you’re done. It’ll be easier than leaving my place, then coming to get you in the morning.”
“Don’t you have patrol tonight?” she reminds me.
“Damn it. I can change it.”
“No, don’t. It’s important that you spend time with the clan.”
I should be with you.“Sweetheart, I think there are a few things we need to talk about.”
“There are, but I’m too tired right now. I just want to head home and to bed, then drink some wine with Autumn.”
Something is very wrong with her. I can feel it in my soul. She’s hiding something from me.
“Okay. You get some rest. Pack lots of sexy stuff, not that you’re going to wear it much.”
She laughs lightly, and the sound relaxes me a little. Maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem.