Zane nods for a moment, taking in what I’ve said. “Why don’t you show her around the winery, give her a private tour? She likes wine, and you like making it.”

“You don’t think it’s boring?”

“Or you could take her skydiving?”

I laugh at that ridiculous suggestion. “I don’t think so. But the winemaking could be good; then we could picnic somewhere with a bottle afterwards.”

He clicks his fingers. “Now, you’re thinking like a man in love.”

“I’m not in love.” I am, but he doesn’t need to know that.

He smiles. “Really? Because the fact that you’re building LEGO suggests otherwise to me.”

“Did you come in here for something or to make fun of me?” I ask.

“Always to make fun of you. It’s the best part of my day.”

‘Declan, you need to get home right now! I’ve walked into your bedroom to get dressed, and there are two wolves on your balcony. They’re trying to break into your house!’Winter hollers into my head, her tone terrified.

‘I’m on my way. Get to the bathroom and lock the door!’I demand. I look at Zane. “Wolf up. There’re stray wolves on my property.”

“Yeah! Shifting in the middle of the day, I love it.”

Shifting into my wolf form, I project out to the team,‘Wolves on my property. Graham, Kelcy, Liliana, Tammy form a ring around my house. I have Zane with me. DO NOT ATTACK! Winter is inside.’I holler at the group.

‘You always leave me out,’Rafe’s voice groans in my head.‘But I can see there are at least four wolves, all males on your property. Oh, fuck! One got inside. I’ll do what I can.’

‘How can you be sure?’I ask.

‘I was headed to your place with a gift for Winter and spotted these guys jumping your fence. They didn’t see me, and I shifted to watch.’

‘Keep an eye on her.’I know Rafe will watch over Winter and keep an eye on the wolves. He’s small and unnoticeable from a distance, so there is a good chance I still have the upper hand here. Racing through the trees, I get to the bushes across the road from my home.‘Winter, are you okay?’ I ask.

‘Yes. Just cold and want to get dressed.’

‘I’m coming.’Narrowing my eyes, I scan the surroundings of my home as a wolf forms beside me.

‘Rafe, update me.’I demand as I cross the road towards my house.

‘Boss, we got four wolves in total: two on your balcony, one down the side of your house. The other has gotten into your pool area and is looking for a way inside. They seem to be looking for something in particular but can’t get inside your house to get whatever it is. Shit, they’re scratching at the glass.’

After the last time, I had new locks installed on every door that could be used to enter my home. I didn’t want anyone getting into my house again. I know Winter is safely locked in my bathroom, but I also know she locks all the downstairs doors if she is upstairs. If they’re in wolf form, they don’t exactly have hands.

I need to focus. I can’t think about her right now. I meet Rafe in the backyard.

‘Keep watch.’I tell him. A crash is heard, and I look inside my pool area, realising the wolf inside has broken down the door to the house. Racing, I chase after him. Quicker than he is, I throw him into the hallway wall, creating a hole in the GIB board, clawing at him with rage. He gets up, and I growl. I back him up towards the pool area again. I want to keep him in here as much as possible, but two others join him: it’s three against one, an unfair fight, but I’m sure I can win.

That’s when I spot Liliana appear behind the wolves. They don’t see her as they’re focused on me. One wolf jumps in my direction, ripping at my fur. I toss him backwards into the pool, forcing him to shift into his human form to get out. Only, when he does, I see he’s in some sort of trance. Looking back at the others, they all seem to be the same way. I realise they’re not even aware they’re fighting me. Something seems to dictate their behaviour. Before I can strike again, they all shake their heads and then look confused about where they are.

The human one looks down. His entire body flushes with embarrassment as he quickly changes his form. They all take off back through my fence, and it’s then I see there weren’t four wolves, but six. Two were on the outside of the perimeter fence.

‘What was that?’ Rafe asks.

‘I have no fucking idea, but I’m now sure they are after me, and I have no idea why. I’m just as confused as you on this one. I swear, when I was fighting the one inside, he wasn’t aware of what he was doing. They seemed to be in some kind of trance, and I think the wolf was fighting because I was stopping him from getting whatever he was after.’

‘The potion they’re on is getting stronger, and they’re able to withstand the effects longer. Declan, I think you’re in real danger, and so is your mate. You need to keep her safe. There’s no telling what she will do next,”Amanda, Christian’s new mate, says, sharing a look with her brother, both new clan members looking worried.

‘Thank you, Amanda.’I reply dryly as if not already aware I am in danger. I’m trying to remain calm, but it’s more complicated than it should be. If this woman wants a fight, she’s damn well going to get one. I only hope his prize wasn’t Winter. I’ll kill to protect her.