She laughs and leans in to whisper, “I’ll tell you those when Mister Spoil Sport isn’t around.”

“Okay,” Winter whispers back. She turns to me, wearing a huge smile.

“Winter, I’ve been meaning to say I’m attending a conference in Wellington for Billington Industries Ltd. It’s in three weeks, and I’d like you to be my plus one. There’s a cocktail evening the second night of the conference, and we bring our partners.”

She looks at me; uncertainty is readable in her expression. “Forgive my hesitation, Declan, but I’ve been to parties like those before. With… Uhm, Sam, and I don’t fit in. They’re all into designer labels and shoes, and makeup. That’s not me. Are you sure you want to take me?”

“I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t sure. Even though Simon, James and their wives are billionaires, they don’t act like it. They don’t flaunt it in any way. Hell, Simon’s wife Aria is his personal assistant, and I believe James’ wife, Riley is an author and photographer. If you don’t want to come, I won’t force you. I wanted to show you off. I’m proud that you’re with me.”

She smiles. “Then yes, I’ll come as your plus one.”

I turn to Zane. “You need to be around for the clan, so no shacking up with a hot nurse.”

Zane makes a face. “You spoil all my fun.”

“It’s what a big brother is supposed to do,” I reply.

Winter stands up and walks around the room. “These cross stitches are beautiful. I love wolves; they’re my favourite animal. I have one a friend gifted me a few years ago for my birthday.”

“Was it a family of wolves?” my Nana asks curiously.

Winter spins around, shocked. “Yes.”

My Nana smiles. “I made that one for Liliana. She said it was for her friend who loves wolves. I enjoyed doing it. I’m glad you like it.”

“Like it? I love it. I cross-stitch a little myself, but not often since I work odd shifts. I love building LEGO and reading romance too.” My Nana beams at Winter.

We’re invited to stay for dinner with Zane, Ravin and me helping out in the kitchen. My Nana and Winter spend the rest of the night looking at some of the cross stitch stuff my Nana has done over the years and Winter’s impressive LEGO builds via photos on her phone.

By the time we leave, and as we exit the building, I point to where my mother lives within the complex.

“It’s a shame you can’t see her,” Winter says, squeezing my hand.

“It is, but she’s in my heart.”

“You have such a big heart. I hope one day there is room in it for me.”

“You already are,” I reply.

She is and a hell of a lot faster than I ever thought it would happen. Winter makes me feel alive. I look forward to coming home from work every day rather than dreading it simply because she’s in my home. She’s made a mess of my house: clothes everywhere, breakfast bowls left out, coffee mugs half-filled with cold coffee in them strewn about the place, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My house now feels like a home. In just a few short weeks, Winter has made it become that.

The walls around my heart are tumbling down, and I don’t want to stop them. She’s it for me. She’ll be the perfect Luna for the clan.

* * *


Tonight I meet Declan’s clan of animals. To say I’m nervous is an understatement, but I’m looking forward to seeing them one by one.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been spending time with him, getting used to him shifting into his wolf form. He’s had to do it at least once a day, so it becomes normal for me.

Seeing his wolf was one thing, but seeing Liliana’s white tiger was a whole other story. While she is beautiful in her form, I couldn’t help but be afraid.

They are wild animals. Who’s to say one day, in anger, I won’t be harmed? Not that I’ve ever seen Liliana mad. I witnessed Declan mad, and I’ll admit I was frightened, especially when his wolf form followed suit. I didn’t tell him this because I know it’s something I need to work through on my own, and I know I will. I have to.

“Are you okay?” he asks as he walks into the bathroom while I’m finishing up my makeup. “What’s on your mind?”

I spin around to face him. “I’m nervous. What if they all decide they don’t like me? Or maybe they’ll think I’m not good enough for you?”