“Winter, I’m home,” I call out as I enter the kitchen. Inhaling lightly, I catch the scent of Rafe, our resident little blue penguin. Walking through the kitchen, I stop at the fridge for a beer along the way. Popping it open, I take a swig before making my way into the lounge, where I’m greeted by a box on the ottoman of my couch. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I peer inside to find said penguin relaxing in the box, drinking some water from a bowl.

‘Enjoying yourself, are you?’I scry into his head, causing him to jump.

‘Bro, I swear I came looking for you, and well, she started taking care of me. Not gonna lie, it’s been nice,’he responds. Footsteps can be heard on the stairs as my woman comes running down them.

“Hey, you’re home. I’ve been trying to reach you all afternoon for a vet’s number,” she says as she launches herself at me.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I was in meetings. When did we adopt a penguin?” I ask, pointing at the box.

“I found it earlier today after I’d had my bath. It was injured near its wing. I think it was attacked, by what? I have no clue. I’ve been taking care of it, but the strangest thing happened. His wing seems to be healed.”

‘By a fucking Orca. That asshat Jason bet me we could shift into our animal forms and not get caught. Then the fucker decided to play with me and chase me. He nipped me, ripping my flipper back,’Rafe interjects into my head.

“So you brought a wild animal riddled with disease into my home, sweetheart? I love that you’re so caring, but this…is well…a little crazy.”

“I know, but I couldn’t help it. He’s adorable.” She looks up at me with those adorable grey eyes of hers, and I can’t help but melt. Looking down at the penguin who tilts his head towards my beer bottle, I laugh.

“Do you want some, little guy?” I croon as I lower the bottle into the box and pour a little into the bowl.

Winter is horrified, “What are you doing? He can’t drink that!”

“What are you talking about? He drinks it all the time,” I reply as I watch the penguin look at me for more.

‘You’re the one enjoying yourself now, fucker,’he scolds me.

“Who’s a good penguin?” I croon at him as Winter snatches my beer out of my hand. “Hey! I was drinking that.”

“I will not have you poison a penguin.” Winter glares at me. “He has done nothing to you.” Her eyes are blazing with fury, and I burst into laughter. “What’s so funny?”

“Darling, I think it’s about time you met my clan. You’ve been looking after this fucker for what, four hours now? He wasn’t looking for me earlier. He came looking for Liliana. As you know, she’s a veterinarian. This here is Rafe, and he’s one of us.”

She looks at me, blinking. “Are you telling me he’s a shifter?” I nod. “Oh, my God. I bet I look like a total idiot to him. I sang him songs and fed him water.”

‘Actually, she was charming. She cleaned the wound, fed me water and even watched a bit of TV. Some show calledSay Yes to the Dress.Those brides were crying over fabric. Even though she did a great job, I still want Liliana to take a look,’he says.

“And you can tell her all that once you’re human, which will not be happening here,” I tell him so Winter can hear. So far, she can only hear me with her connection. In time, she’ll be able to hear the rest of the clan, but that will only happen when she accepts her fate as my Luna.

“What happens to him now?” Winter asks.

“I believe Lily will be home shortly. I’ll ring her and tell her Rafe is on his way over.” I pick the penguin up out of the box, open my lounge door and put him down. “There you go, buddy.”

“Declan, he’s only little. You can’t send him out there alone,” Winter says.

“I need to get you fed. You have work in a couple of hours, and he’s a big boy. He’ll be fine,” I reply as I close the door.

Winter and I make our way into the kitchen, and she produces a meal she whipped up while looking after Rafe this afternoon. Taking her in as she slides a bowl of food over to me, the fact she’s my woman still seems surreal.

“What?” she asks, taking a seat beside me.

“I’m officially taking you on our first date this weekend. I’ve got it all planned. All you need to do is let me pick you up.”

“Where are we going?”

I shake my head. “Nice try, sweetheart, but I’m not telling you.” She pouts. “That look won’t work either.” She grins. I recognize that look on her face and what she’s thinking. “We don’t have time for sex, and even if you tried, it wouldn’t work. I’m zipping my lips and mind.”

“Damn it.”

Once we are done with our meal, I clean up as she dashes upstairs to get ready for work. I’ll have to arrange a clan meeting for next weekend. She definitely needs to meet everyone and learn what their animals are.