Tomorrow I’ll deal with everything else.
* * *
What Declan told me about his family still weighs on my mind. That is tough for any kid to go through. My heart aches for all the hurt he was caused. As long as he’s my man, I’m going to make sure Declan knows he is loved, at least by me. I can feel myself falling for him, slow and steady.
I’m at work today, my last day shift, then I start nights next week. Declan has been preoccupied lately with everything going on with the clan. He’s accepted the two newcomers into our midst, but the clan has yet to accept me. I’m hoping I can prove to them what an asset I will be. If only I could shift into a wolf form. I tried last night while lying in bed and focusing on it, but nothing happened; no tingles or anything.
It’s got me worried about what happens if I can’t manage to shift at all. Can I even become the Luna Declan wants and needs?
I’m also worried about him meeting my family. I know he’s told me what the mark means, and I love Autumn with all my heart, but after all I’ve been through, I can’t be guaranteed it won’t happen again.
I sigh and return my gaze to look at my paperwork before me. All the mums and babies at the birthing centre are sleeping, and I am overdue for a coffee. Deciding I’ll make one, I get out of my seat when I hear the unmistakable heavy breathing of a woman trying to control labour pains.
I look down the corridor to indeed find said woman and her husband. She is leaning on the wall while he rubs her back during a contraction. Once they level out, she is able to walk, making her way over to our desk.
“Sorry, we didn’t call…it all has happened so quickly,” the woman looks at me and then smiles. “I know you. We trained together at the midwifery school at Otago University. I’m Tasha.”
I smile as I recognise her as well. “Yes, I remember you now. How far apart are those contractions?”
“Five minutes.”
“Little one really does want to make an entrance.” I usher her into a room ready to deliver. My colleague Mary follows me into the room to give me a hand to prepare everything. “Is this your first baby?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “No, third, but I didn’t want to give birth on the housing estate.” She looks at me with a wink. A wink that I know doesn’t escape my colleague Mary’s notice. She knows me. “You’re Declan’s girlfriend. He sent me here to see you.”
I feel my face flush with heat. “I am.”
“Ravin told me you were the best, so here I am. And oh!!! I need to push!”
She quickly gets on the bed, settling on her hands and knees. I glance between her legs to see the baby is already crowning. She got here just in time. With a single push, the head comes out. I help a little as the cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, then assist with the shoulders. Before we know it, Tasha’s little bundle is wrapped loosely in a blanket against her chest.
“That was quicker than the last two,” her husband says. “But no more.”
“Trust me. I don’t want any more.”
“You said that last time,” her husband grumbles.
I help clean up everything discreetly while Tasha nurses her newborn son. We show her to her room for the evening, and I leave them alone for a few moments to get comfortable, assuring them I’ll be back to check on them shortly.
“Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend, and why didn’t I know about it?” Mary asks, giving me a cheeky look.
“Okay, yes, I have a boyfriend, and it’s the guy from the winery from Lorraine’s hen night.”
“The hot manager?” she asks.
I nod in confirmation. “Oh, sweetie, that’s awesome news. I thought you seemed happier lately. So, what’s he like in bed?”
I laugh. “I’m not going to tell you that.” I feel my face flush with heat as I head back into the room where Tasha and her husband are to check that they are settled. As I enter the room, I find the new daddy holding the baby, and Tasha looks at me.
“Thank you for being here for us tonight. I will be having words with Declan about the midwives. I swear, I couldn’t get hold of any of them this evening when everything first started to happen. When I got hold of Martha, all I was told was, ‘You’re a midwife. I’m sure you can handle it.’ Like I didn’t even matter. Ravin ran straight to Declan.”
“Why was Ravin at your place?” I ask.
“Oh, she’s our children’s Godmother. She brought little Indigo along with her to look after our sons while I gave birth. It was always the plan. I’m so glad Declan has found you. Welcome to the clan.”
I laugh. “You know I’m human, right?”