‘Amanda, she-wolf mated to someone named Christian Shovel.’
I nod.‘I know him.’
‘Please, Alpha. I’ll do anything.’
‘Including swearing allegiance to me?’
He nods.‘Yes.’He lays down before me, a wolf in a submissive pose. He’s swearing his allegiance alright, but I have to know what his sister knows, if anything. Is she a decoy so the other wolves can get to me? Or am I reading too much into this?
‘You’ll be hazed and tested until I can trust that you aren’t a spy.’I tell him.
I look to Brendan, who shakes his head.‘What are you doing? You’re letting him in. How do you know he’s not a spy?’
‘I don’t. But something about him tells me he’s telling the truth. And we’ll be watching him closely until he builds that trust with me and our clan.’
* * *
Declan’s wolf is beautiful to behold. I won’t lie. It was a shock to see his shift. One minute he’s human, making out with me, and the next, he’s turning into an animal. His wolf is gorgeous. I wanted to reach out and stroke him, but I couldn’t because he was on a mission to go after the black wolf on his balcony.
A realisation washes over me that I’ve seen him before. Somewhere very familiar. His fur, his eyes. I saw him the night I came to see Ravin after work on my way home.
My heart races, palms sweat, and I start hyperventilating. I saw a wolf the night I left my work and was coming to see Ravin. I hadn’t imagined it. And it had been Declan. Did he know then that we were fated to be together? Or was he simply watching me as a protective measure?
I rinse my face with some water, trying to calm myself down, when I hear footsteps up the balcony stairs. I take a peek outside the bathroom door to find Declan closing the sliding door leading to his balcony. He turns to look at me and smiles.
I don’t know how to take him. The last time I saw him, he was turning into an animal. My heart is racing as I stare at him. He’s still the same Declan I know: all cocky smiles and bright eyes.
“It was you,” I whisper.
“It was me what?” he asks, giving me a confused look.
“You were the wolf I saw that night, the night I was coming to see Ravin and the night we kissed for the first time.”
He nods. “Yes, I was watching you. Not in a creepy way, but more out of curiosity. You had me intrigued, Winter. You still do.”
“Did you know that night that I was the midwife coming to see your sister?” I ask. Though, I feel I already know the answer.
“I did. But I played along with you as to not alarm you. I hadn’t intended on letting you see me at all. I am sorry I spooked you that night.”
“It’s okay.”
He comes over and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. I feel safe and secure. “This doesn’t change anything, does it?”
“Not a thing. If anything, the way you’re protective of me only makes me fall for you harder. I can feel the walls crumbling down, ever so slowly, but they are.”
He smiles. “I’m glad I can be the one to crack open your cages and get to the heart that is mine.”
“Did you catch the wolves?” I ask.
He nods. “Yes, and gained fuck all information. But tomorrow, I have to talk with the rest of my clan and speak about our recent newcomers. I need to talk to these new wolves too.”
“What about?” I ask.
“Someone is out to hurt me. I don’t know who or why and I am hoping they do.”
“And if they don’t?” I ask as he throws me a shirt.