“I didn’t ask for your help because I didn’t need it. I am quite capable of doing things for myself. I’ve told you this. I needed you to give me space, and you didn’t.”

“I did. I didn’t see you again for the rest of the day, did I? I returned your sister’s keys to the front desk for you and asked my buddy to do me a favour by looking at your car. It was a mere coincidence he had the tyres in stock for your vehicle.”

She paces the floor, anger dripping off her. It’s like she’s gone past the point of being able to calm herself down. I take the next step, purposefully pulling her against me. For a moment, she allows herself to bask in the closeness but then pulls away.

“No, I’m mad as hell. You did it without discussing it with me. You just took over. Is this how it is with mates? You’re Alpha, so I have to bow down despite you telling me otherwise?” She looks at me, tears swimming in her beautiful eyes. Fuck, I caused this.

“Winter, I did what I did because I care about you.”I’m falling for you, I admit silently. I once again pull her against me, holding her in place where I feel her begin to shake in my arms. I slide my hand beneath her chin, tilt her head towards me, and lean down. Our noses join, and she sighs.

“Sweetheart, let me in. Don’t push me away. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Declan, I’m trying. It’s harder than it seems, but right now, I’m so mad at you.”

“Then take it out on me the best way you know how,” I say. The next minute she pushes her lips to mine. It’s angry, hot and electrifying. Our hands fly everywhere in search of passion or control. I’m unsure which. She drags her hands through my hair as I pull her handbag off her shoulder before fumbling with the tie of her jacket and wrenching it open. I need to get to her flesh. I can’t just keep telling her how I feel. I need to show that she is desired and cared for. There is no other woman I would help the way I did her.

She claws at my shirt, buttons tearing it off as she rakes her nails down my chest when suddenly, she pushes away. “No, I can’t do this! It’s all too much.” With tears staining her cheeks, she gathers her things and exits my home. I stand dumbfounded about what the fuck just happened. Did she want me or not?

Moments later, Brendan walks inside, wearing a frown upon his face. “Hey, was that the chick whose car you asked me to fix earlier today?” He asks, closing the door behind him.

“She was. Why?” I ask.

“Oh, nothing. I’m just curious as to why you’re suddenly bending over backwards to help her out. I’ve never seen you help anyone like that unless it’s your Nana or sister. You spent a lot of money on her; those tyres weren’t cheap. What is so special about this human anyway?”

I glance at him. “What makes you think you deserve to know?”

“I don’t, but I’m worried about you. You seem to be in over your head here. I mean, I wasn’t happy she was on the property in the first place. You’ve got rules, Dec, ones you’re not following yourself anymore. I don’t know who you are anymore.”

I contemplate whether or not to tell him. He’s been a friend of mine for over twenty years. I trust him completely. I sigh before flashing him my palm. “I marked her.” His eyes widen in disbelief. “I know. I didn’t think it could happen either. Okay, so now you know why I’m so invested in her. She’s my mate. You’ve caught us also in the middle of a fight. She knows about me and what I am. But she’s mad because I didn’t tell her myself or sooner.”

He nods, and I know silently he’s telling me I should’ve told her. “She’ll have to prove herself to the clan if she is to be accepted by them as their Luna. She’s fierce; I’ll give her that. She certainly knows how to stand up for herself. But it’ll take more than that to become Luna.”

He hands me an envelope, and I know it contains the receipt for my bill from earlier, then leaves me alone to my thoughts. Winter has been hurt before, and I could feel it coming off her in spades tonight. And I’m suspecting that it was no simple hurt either; she’s been completely shattered. She’s not used to a man doing things for her or genuinely caring. My Alpha male stance won’t help me this time. I can’t just demand she does what I ask and expect her to do it. I have a strong woman before me who will be my equal. That can only happen if I treat her with the love and respect she damn well deserves.



I’m miserable. Absolutely miserable. I feel like I’m in some kind of a daze, just living out the day, doing the bare minimum. I can’t think straight; it’s like my brain is foggy, and when I get a spare minute, all I can think about is Declan.

I just want to go to him, tell him I don’t care he’s a wolf and that I want to be with him. It’s not the fact he’s a wolf that has me mad right now, it’s the fact he never told me himself about marking me, and I had to find out from my best friend.

Arriving home after my day today, I enter my room. As I go to sit on the bed, I realise there’s already something on it: a parcel. I pick it up and flip it over to see who it’s from.

Mr D Stone.

I groan. He just doesn’t understand my need for space. Although, technically, he hasn’t come anywhere near me to deliver it, this isn’t being patient like he told me he would be. I put my bag down and remove my jacket before carrying the parcel into the kitchen to open it.

Inside is a new cell phone, bubble bath, a bottle of CE Estates wine, and chocolate. Along with a card that reads,


I wanted to show you how much I desire and care for you.

Words are one thing.

Actions are another.

When you’re ready, we can talk.