“So what does the mark mean? Is it an ownership thing? Do I have to obey you in all things?” she asks.
I shake my head. “I don’t think you’d obey anyone unless you’d allow it. I’d never expect you to obey me, at least outside the bedroom.” Liliana wrinkles her nose as Winter blushes. “But no, I don’t own you, nor do I wish to change you in any way. It’s merely a mark that says you are mine and we are perfect for each other. I can’t look at another person romantically or sexually, and neither can you.”
She blinks at this piece of news but says nothing. “It simply means you are perfectly made for me and I you.”
She casts her gaze down. “I’m not perfect.”
“That’s where you are wrong. To me, you are. I love your fiery spirit, your ambitiousness; you’re sweet and sexy as hell. I couldn’t stop thinking about you from the moment we met. Winter, you have made me believe in the idea of falling in love again, and I want to try things with you. I want to go on dates and fight just to have sex afterwards. I want to share in your passions and desires.”
She lifts her head to meet my gaze. “What will the mark do to me?”
“It won’t change you in any way, shape or form. Eventually, we will feel each other’s emotions and communicate through thought. You will be able to shift at some stage yourself, mimicking my colours. But I don’t want you to focus on any of that stuff right now. We have plenty of time to discuss it.”
“Is this like a forever thing? Because I have to tell you, I don’t believe in soulmates,” she says.
That stings because I do.“Get used to it.”
She balks at me, pulling away. “Declan, I can’t do this right now. I’m terrified of letting myself fall in love ever again. After what my ex did, I swore I would never let another man in. Everything with you has been intense and passionate; it’s scary. I don’t know if I’m ready for all this.”
I open my mouth to speak but think better of it as Nana’s words roll through my head. If I bombard her with too much information or force this onto her, I could lose her forever. Tears stream down her face. “You know, you still haven’t asked what animal I turn into.”
She snaps her head up. “Wha-what animal do you turn into?”
“Our favourite. A wolf.”
She sits there quietly, unmoving or speaking. “You turn into a wolf?” she finally asks. I nod. “Oh, my God! The man I want more than sex with can turn into a wolf.” She shakes uncontrollably, and I pull her to me, trying to hold her steady. “This isn’t happening. This isn’t normal.”
Hurt and anger wash through me as she jumps back to stare at me. Her eyes search mine. “What the fuck was that? I felt hurt and anger after what I said.”
“That would be because you hurt me and made me angry. Winter, this for me is normal.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did. This is all so… I can’t even describe what I’m feeling.” I can feel her clam up again, the walls rebuilding themselves high around her heart. I reach out to cup her face in my palm.
“Who broke you, my love? Who made you build these walls around yourself? You’re locked away so tight I want to know how to break them down. And I promise you, I will break down these walls because I want your heart, and I’ll never let it go.”
She looks at me. “The last guy who I was in love with—and I’m talking about to walk down the aisle to marry, in love with—obliterated my heart. He kept a secret, and then when I did find out, he lied about how long he’d had the secret for.”
She starts shaking on the couch. She glances at Lily, who moves to her side and wraps an arm around her. “I promise you, Winter, Declan is a good man. He would never do what Sam did.”
Who the fuck is Sam?
“Winter, there’s more to this mark than meets the eye. Right now, I think you’re caught up in the whole idea that I own you. I don’t. You are still your own person, and I would never change that. I love you the way you are. Cute, adorable and sexy. You will become what is called a Luna, obeyed by the clan when I am not around, and your word is law.” She blushes. “As for exes, I’ve been hurt too, and like you, this connection for me is hard to grasp. I would never have believed I could mate with a human, let alone ever fall in love again. You have changed my thoughts and feelings about this for the better.”
She looks at me. “I need some space and time.”
“Space? That’s not a good thing,” I comment.
“Only to wrap my head around all of this. This secret you have revealed to me is huge. One I need to process and think on. I know all my insecurities are showing right now, and I’m not going to hide them. They have been part of me for so long. I’m not sure how to let them go.”
“No one is asking you to let them go,” Liliana says.
Winter looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “Tell that to Autumn sometime.”
“Are you and your siblings named after the seasons?” I ask.
“Yes. I’m the third child of four girls. Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter. Not that I speak to my older sisters. Summer betrayed me in the worst possible way, something I can never forgive her for. I am closest to Autumn, my younger sister. We live together.” That is a sore topic. Though I get the sense, there is more to the story. I won’t ask any more questions for now. She will tell me in time. “Could you two go? I need to be alone.”
Liliana hugs her and looks at me. “I’ll meet you in the car.”