“Wasn’t just the scene. I was thinking about you.” He growls in my ear as he slips his fingers beneath my panties. As he rubs my bare clit, I roll my head back onto him, groaning a plea that he relieve the building pressure. Quickly, he slowly slides two fingers deep inside, driving me to the point of sensual insanity. Then he withdraws, lifts me off the bench, and throws me over his shoulder, carrying me into the bedroom, finally lowering me to the bed. He takes my panties off in one fluid motion, spreads my legs wide, and then sets forth in devouring me.

He growls, and I grind into his mouth harder. “Oh, fuck, Declan.”

He continues to devour me, licking. It’s altogether sinful. He moves his mouth off, replacing it with his fingers, pumping in and out as he licks my clit. I thrust my hips into the air as the wave of pleasure takes control quicker than I think, and I am pushed over the edge of pleasure.

He leaves me wholly shattered and gasping for air as he doesn’t stop until my orgasm has subsided.

Hovering over me, he leans down to kiss my mouth. “Go on a date with me? A real one. No sex. Just us. I’ll pick you up, take you somewhere nice, and we’ll have fun.”

“You’re asking me on a date?”

“This surprises you?” he asks.

“Well, yes…I expected you to come in all guns blazing and tell me we are going on a date.”

He chuckles. “Alright, we are going on a date.”

I laugh. “Too late, champ, you gave me the nice version first.”

He laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes. Now put your panties back on because we need to talk, and I can’t be distracted when we do.”

I look at him as I get off the bed and pull on my panties. “Have I done something wrong?”

He shakes his head. “No. I have to tell you about my world…my family. I will sound completely mental while telling you, but you have to trust I’m telling you the truth. Promise me you will listen.” I nod.

“Okay, but if you tell me you’re married, this ends here.”

“I’m not married. I promise. Now, what I have to tell you has to do with the fact that I am-” He’s cut off when his phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and glances at it. “Sorry, I have to take this. It’s my brother.”

He takes the call out of the bedroom, leaving me questioning what he was about to tell me.

He’s a what? A sex addict? Transvestite? Closet romance book reader?

All sorts of things swim around in my head as he reappears. His face is grim, and I know immediately he’s not staying here any longer.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Something has come up at the vineyard. I have to go.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask.

“Thank you, but not this time. I’ll come back tomorrow night to talk with you. I promise.”

“Okay.” I’m trying not to let my disappointment show that he has to leave so quickly after getting here.

He frowns as he clasps my face in his hands and kisses me. “I always keep my promises, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He exits my room, and I follow him out. I wish I could believe him. The shattered pieces of my heart want to believe him, but my head urges me to run away.

I don’t know which one to listen to.

* * *


‘Protect the clan,’I throw my thoughts out to the clan who are patrolling the area. We’ve been out here in the woods for hours with no sign of this lone wolf that Zane rang me about earlier. Damn Zane for pulling me away from Winter. When we run patrols, things usually go smoother than this. And I’m supposed to be with Winter right now, having some very passionate sex.

‘Get outta your head, dude, we have found the scent,’Zane hollers back into my head.‘I’ve got the scent.’Like that, I’m pulled towards my prey.

Earlier, when I was at Winter’s, I got the call that a rogue wolf was walking up and down the border of our lands. I generally have a good relationship with the other pack, and this wolf isn’t one of theirs. Well, that is according to Zane, and he’s going off information from Tammy. I suspect it might be Tammy’s way of trying to get closer to me. I think I need to make it clearer that I’m not interested.