Exiting the house, I turn to place an envelope of money on the kitchen bench-top. It’s never going to be enough to repay her for all she’s done for me, but I try.
“Declan, take that envelope with you. I have more than enough money. Your brother and sister gave me some just the other day, and all three of you are bad for it. You all think the others don’t give to me.”
“I’m aware they do, as they are that I give you money. You have done so much for us. I want to help you.”
“You’re a sweet boy. Spend this on your Luna. Get her something she likes.” She grabs the envelope, comes toward me and presses it into my hands, making me smile. “No, Nan, this is for you. I have enough to spend on this woman.”
I kiss her forehead and exit the house before she can argue with me. I flick a quick text to Zane telling him to look after the clan tonight. I’m going to see Winter tonight come hell or high water. She needs to know about us. But first, I have some work to catch up on.
* * *
Sitting in my office, I’ve been here since leaving my Nana’s house and stopping at a florist for some flowers along my drive home. I’m trying to distract myself, but all I seem to be doing is looking at the clock. If tonight’s conversation goes as planned, I hope it’ll end up with us going on our first date. Winter seems like the sort of woman who will listen to me and take in everything I say, hopefully before freaking out, which I hope doesn’t happen. The one thing I’m sure of is that she’ll hear me out before making up her mind, and that part will take some time. As much as I don’t like the concept of waiting to know where we stand, it’s a reality I need to commit to. I need her in my life.
My cell phone rings on my desk, and I cast my eyes down, seeing Simon Billington, owner of CE Estates Winery, and my boss's name on the screen.
“Hello, Declan speaking,” I answer his call.
“I just got an email from your work email address. You are aware that taking time off work means you don’t email your boss,” his voice is gruff, but there’s a hint of humour there. He’s joking, and I know it. The man is almost as bad as me for being a workaholic.
“I had most of the day off, and I needed to get that email to you before I forgot to.”
He chuckles. “You need a girlfriend or a hobby.”
I laugh. “Maybe, but I’m high maintenance. Some women don’t like that in a man, and as for hobbies, I drink whiskey. That counts, right?”
“That isn’t what I mean, but I used to say the same thing. Then I met Aria, and I couldn’t be happier.”
“What can I do for you?” I ask. Though the longer he talks, the less time I’m waiting to go to visit Winter.
“I’m ringing to inform you that the current Corporate Wineries Manager, Boyd Evitt, has resigned effective immediately. Until I replace him, I’ll be your immediate boss.”
“Alright. There’s not much to report at the moment, though; sales keep growing, which is great.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Could you send me an email Monday with those statistics? I do not want to see one from you over the weekend.” He made sure to stress the word ‘Monday’. If my night goes as planned, no one will hear from me until Monday as I’ll be with Winter.
“Sure thing, boss.”
He chuckles. “Good. Now, I’m off to get my wife the ice cream that she’s craving. Did I tell you we’re pregnant again?”
“Yeah, you did, earlier this year.”
“A boy. I couldn’t be more excited. We’re due in another six weeks. I know she wants the baby out now, though. He’s huge.”
“Good luck with that ice cream run, and I’ll email you Monday.”
He chuckles. “See ya later.” A click tells me he’s gone, and just as I’m about to think about making a move to see Winter, there’s a knock on my door. Looking up, I see Liliana standing there.
“Hey,” I say.
She strolls into my office. “I’m just checking in with you. Do you still need me to patrol tonight?” she asks.
“I do. Sorry Liliana, but I need people I trust watching our lands. You’ll do your usual shift.”
“Okay. I was hoping to spend tonight with Winter, but I can arrange to pick her up instead.”
My ears perk up. “Where are you two going?”
“Girls day out shopping.”