She rolls her eyes. “That is the biggest lie I think I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”

“Lily, I’m serious.” Even though I’d agreed to do it again at some later date with Declan just this morning.

“Says your mouth, but your face, sweetie, is telling me something completely different. So come on, tell me the truth.”

“You want the truth? The truth is…I’d give anything to have another night with him. It was wild, passionate, and I finally let myself relax enough to let go. He made me feel so sexy. I’ve never felt that way before, even with Sam. But I’m terrified of getting in too deep. I’m going to get hurt again.”

Liliana rolls her eyes at me. “I’ve heard this speech a million times before. Winter, you have punished yourself for too long. Girl, if anyone deserves to find some happiness, it’s you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and I have to say it’s one for the greatest romance books of all time. It’s like he only sees you in the room. I swear, I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he does at you.”

I study her. She appears to be telling me the truth. I take another considerable sip of my drink. “I’m taking a huge risk, and so is he. I work crappy hours, usually twelve-hour shifts, and sometimes I’m not home until late. Then, I might be asked to work shifts on my days off,” I tell her.

“And all I’m hearing is excuses. Listen to me and do yourself a favour. Give that man a chance. I don’t mean another night. I mean a real chance. If he wants to date you, give it a try.”

“If the next statement out of your mouth is what do I have to lose? I’ll answer nothing. My heart is locked up tight, so tight I’m not sure how to unlock it anymore. I haven’t put the shattered pieces back together, and I’m not sure there is a man out there who can. I’m broken beyond repair. What man in his sane mind wants me?”

“Don’t I know it,” she mumbles. “In all seriousness, Winter, your heart is locked away tight because you’ve never found someone worth giving it to. I understand why. Sam betrayed you in the worst way with Summer. That kind of pain doesn’t go away overnight, but girly, you aren’t ever going to know how much someone is capable of loving you until you try.”

“You are starting to sound like Autumn,” I reply.

Liliana looks at me. “Really? She gave you this speech?”

“Not in so many words, but she did yell at me for hurting myself over Sam.”

“You should be listening to us. We love you and only want to see you happy.”

I screw my face up at her. I know they’re right, but there’s more to what Sam and Summer did than Liliana knows. Autumn knows only because she was with me when it happened. “I did listen, and it ended in a great night. I’ll admit it, the idea of dating Declan is appealing. He’s certainly tweaked my interest enough that I wanted to have sex with him. If he asks me on a proper date, I might be tempted to say yes. I don’t want to be another notch on his bedpost. But he has to ask.”

Liliana picks up the bottle of wine and tops up my drink. “Trust me, Winter, you are not another notch on his bedpost. He’s not like that. I think we should be prepared. We need to go shopping for a first date outfit and new lingerie. What do you say?”

“I say you just need an excuse to shop.”

“I have a problem, I know. Come on, humour me, please?” It’s a little sad that she’s almost begging now.

“Alright, I’ll come.” She claps her hands gleefully. “Now, I have brought a book along tonight that I think you will like. It’s calledFalling for the Alphaby Eva R. Fields. I’ve read everything she has written and love her books. Keep a vibrator handy. You’re going to need it.” She winks.

I flip the book over and read. The premise looks great, but it’s about humans who turn into animals. This concept is absurd to me, but if Liliana recommends the book, then I’ll read it. Besides, it can’t happen in real life, right?



I drive my car into the main entrance of the retirement village and rest home care facility my Nana Margaret lives in. Waving to Charlie, the security guard, he responds in kind and lets me through the gates. I come to see my Nana every week. I’d like to come more often, but honestly, time gets away from me. I know Ravin comes three times a week, probably more now she’s had the baby, and so does Zane. Nana also attends a cross stitch group within the rest home community. I think she started it and a painting class every week. I’m glad she has friends and isn’t lonely.

Curving around a corner, I pass the main reception area. Just beyond those doors and around slightly is the respite and dementia care part of the complex, and my mother, Laura’s home for the last twenty years. Guilt washes through me, as does the heartache viewing that area brings up for me.

I haven’t seen my mum in ten years. It’s not that I don’t want to see her, but rather I’m not allowed to see her. I look too much like my dad for her to comprehend. One of the last times I visited, she screamed and had to be sedated. It was traumatic, to say the least, and the staff gently suggested that I not return. My siblings can visit, just not me. All I’m good for is paying for her care.Some son I am.

I still remember the night my father, Matthew, was killed before my eyes.

My father was murdered the night of my sixteenth birthday. A night that was meant to celebrate turned into a nightmare. As I was blowing out the candles on the cake my mum had so lovingly made for me, I dreamed of shifting into a wolf like my dad. He told me to be patient that it would happen when I turned eighteen. I didn’t want to be patient. I wanted to shiftnow.

Later that night, under cover of darkness, my house was ambushed by a rival pack, their Alpha believing my mother was meant to be his. The pack brought us all into the living room to watch their achievement. I could feel my body changing the instant one of the pack members set his sights on my younger sister. An overwhelming feeling took over me.

I shifted earlier than expected. We annihilated most of the pack between myself and my father, but my father was taken from behind. He fought bravely but sadly was injured so severely he couldn’t heal from it.

Before he slipped away, he told Zane, Ravin and me how much he loved us all. He said ‘I love you’ one last time to our mother. After transferring what was left of his Alpha power to me, he slipped into a coma.It took two agonising days for him to pass away. Two days where my mother held on to hope, she could heal him, but she couldn’t.

My mother was forever changed that night. She was no longer the adoring mum I once loved but a shell of herself. She lost her mind and was forced to move into a care facility for the remainder of her life.