“Then don’t worry about what he thinks. Dress up for you, no one else. You’ve also got to stop punishing yourself for what Sam and Summer did. He-”
“I’m not,” I cut her off.
“I wasn’t finished. Sam willingly slept with Summer. He made a choice. While I understand you’ve decided to not get into another relationship, you’ve also not had sex. Sex doesn’t equal love. So I say, if you really like this guy, then let loose and have one night of wild passion with him.”
I inhale. “I don’t know. What if I’m shit, and he’s great?”
“And what if you’re awesome and he’s not? Who knows, he might be all talk and no show?” She laughs. “I’ve been with a guy like that. All talk and his cock was tiny, but his tongue was magic.”
I laugh. “Thank you for making me feel less nervous.”
“You got this, and I hope you brought condoms,” she says as we pull into the winery car park. I grab the gift bag for Liliana and my purse. “Have a great night.”
“Thanks, sis.” I close the door behind me and make my way inside. I can see Liliana at a table and make my way through the crowd. As I step up the main entrance steps, there are guys at a table who stop and turn to stare at me, mouths agape.
I smile as I pass them. Maybe I do look hot in this outfit after all. Strolling inside, I stop when I see Declan standing at the end of the table. He’s wearing a red shirt, sleeves rolled up his forearms, and dark denim jeans. He’s smiling and laughing with one of the other guys, the dimples on his face making their appearance.
As if sensing I’m staring, he swivels his head towards me. His eyes pop out of their sockets as he rakes his gaze down my body. Suddenly, I no longer feel nervous but very sexy and desired. There’s no longer any doubt or nervousness. Tonight I will have Declan in my bed.
I take a step forward as he pulls the seat out from beneath the tall table between him and Liliana, obviously indicating that’s where I’m to sit. Reaching the seat, I greet Liliana first with a hug and hand her the gift I brought.
“Happy birthday,” I say.
“Thanks.” Eagerly, she opens the gift as a hand slides onto the small of my back, sending a shiver down my spine. I don’t need to look to know who it is touching me because there’s no denying I want his hands all over me.
He leans down, his lips brushing my earlobe, making me moan lightly. “I’m hoping I’ll hear more of that later, just louder and before you scream my name.”
I turn to look at him. “Do I get the whole night, or are you a one-pump-chump?”
His eyes go wide. “I’m no one-pump-chump, sweetheart. I’ll ruin you.”
“You talk the talk, Declan, but so far, there’s no action.”
He grins. “You’ll get the action later when we are alone and in private. Everyone here does not need to see what I’m going to do with you. Can I get you a drink?”
I smile. “Can I have a glass of wine? Or is it in the bucket, swimming?”
He chuckles. “Would you like a Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay or Rosé?”
“Sauvignon Blanc please,” I reply.
“Don’t have too much tonight. I want you coherent and consensual.”
He moves away and grabs the bottle from the bucket before pouring me a glass. Liliana leans over. “Something you want to share?” she asks.
“Nope, I’m good.”
“I want all the details during girls night next week, okay? All of them.”
“Trust me; if his penis is small, I’ll tell you tomorrow,” I reply as Liliana bursts into laughter.
“Here you go, my lady,” Declan says before leaning down. “My penis isn’t small. I promise you that. You’ll get your fill and then some.” With a wink, he moves away from me and talks to some of the other guys at the table, then they all leave to go over to the pool table. I pick up my wine and take a sip, thinking about the exchange between us. I doubt one night with him will be enough.
But it has to be.
* * *