“This is for you,” my colleague Lorraine says as she enters the staff room, waving an envelope in my direction.

“What is it?” I ask, taking it from her and putting it on the bench-top beside me before finishing making my hot drink. Once done, I collect the envelope off the bench-top and move over to one of the couches. Lorraine makes her own hot drink. I’m at work earlier than I need to be, so I decided to make myself a coffee before my shift starts. I didn’t get much sleep last night in between sexy dreams of Declan and constantly waking up with a need for him I can’t explain. Well, I can explain it. I need to have sex and specifically with him.

“It’s an invitation to my hen night. Well, one of them anyway. I’m having two,” she answers my question.

“Lucky girl,” I reply.

“The only reason I’m having two is everyone I wanted to invite from work is all on night shift the week I want to have it. So, I’ve arranged to have it the week before to celebrate my wedding with my friends from work. You’re going to come, right?” she asks.

“You already checked it with Pietra, didn’t you?” I ask. Pietra is our boss, and I know Lorraine would’ve checked to ensure those she wants to come aren’t working.

“Of course I did. Actually, there’s only a couple of you who were rostered to work, and you’re one of them, but I explained the situation to Pietra, and she’s going to swap your shift with someone else.”

“Awesome! I’ll be there.” Opening the envelope, I read she’s doing a wine tasting at CE Estates followed by a spa afternoon at the Stone’s spa retreat associated with the vineyard. Then, we’re spending a night in the retreat’s hotel. “This sounds amazing,” I say.

“I figured we could all do with a nice day of wine drinking and massages. Who knows, there might be a hot, single bachelor who might sweep you off your feet?” Lorraine laughs.

I roll my eyes. “Not going to happen. Besides, the day is about you, not me.”

She looks at me and smiles. “You know I’m teasing, right? I’d never push you into a situation you don’t want to be in.”

I smile. I know she won’t, but a certain someone could lead me astray. I reckon Declan can be persuasive if he tries. Our boss, Pietra, walks into the staffroom. “Winter, can I see you for a moment before you start your shift?” she asks.

“Of course.”

Lorraine looks at me. “What was that about?”

I shrug, taking a sip of my drink. “Dunno, guess I’ll go find out.”

“Go now. It might be important,” Lorraine says.

“I’ll go once I’m done with my hot drink.”

My drink finished; I tuck the envelope into my bag, set everything in my locker, then make my way to Pietra’s office. Knocking on the door, Pietra looks up at me and smiles.

“Come in,” she says. I do and take a seat. “We have taken on a new client, a Mrs Ravin Stone. While she had a midwife previously, she was unhappy with her and has specifically requested you to be the midwife who attends to her needs. She mentioned that you delivered her baby two days ago and she wants you to look after her post-natal. She has mentioned that she lives on an exclusive estate just past one of the wineries outside Cromwell.

“Apparently, they have their own community midwives who are swamped with work. I don’t mind you helping out as our community midwives could do with a hand too, and since it’s on your way home from work, I’m allowing you to leave early to see her before your shift ends. Then, you can go home afterwards.”

I smile. I think I know who has rung and asked for me. I’d like to see Ravin again and check in on her. Maybe I’ll even see Declan, too and not just in my dreams tonight.

“Sure, I don’t mind helping out.”

Pietra breathes a sigh of relief. “You are a star. You’ll be met at the gates of this property. I get the feeling that there’s something mysterious about this place.”

You and me both.“I went there the other night to deliver the baby, and I had to get met at the gate too. Maybe they’ve had problems with burglaries in the past, and they’re just safety conscious.” I don’t believe the bullshit I’m spilling for a moment, but there is something weird about the housing estate, and the next time I get Liliana alone, I’m demanding she tells me everything.

Pietra nods. “Perhaps you’re right. Before you ask, I’ve already given you the leave for Lorraine’s hen night. It sounds like it will be a great party.”

“I think we should get together and do something as a surprise for her.” A sex toy soirée could be a bit of fun after a few wines.

Pietra grins. “Sex toy party?”

I giggle. “How’d you know that’s what I was thinking?”

“I’ll organise it and have it happen at the spa that night.” She grins at me.

“I’ll get started with my day.” I stand and exit her office, ready to do just that.