I cast a quick glance around the lands. There seems to be no trouble. Good, I can go home, drink my troubles away and maybe crawl into bed having sweet dreams about the pretty little midwife.Damn it. I need to get her beneath me and soon.
I arrive home, change into the clothes I put out for myself earlier, and make my way into the lounge just in time to see Zane and Aaron, my brother-in-law, playing pool.
“Hey, where were you?” Zane asks, pouring me a glass of whiskey.
“Out for a run,” I reply, taking a sip. “I take it we are all at my house to celebrate Aaron becoming a dad?”
“Damn straight we are,” Zane says.
They start the game while I sip my whiskey. My mind wanders to Winter again as I wonder what her favourite drink is. If she’s friends with Liliana, then it must be wine. I should make up some excuse for her to come to the winery so I can spend some time with her. Yeah, that might work. A bit of wine and some sweet talk might get her loose enough that I might be able to take her to bed.
“Hey, your turn,” Zane says, cutting into my thoughts. I flick my gaze to him. “Where did you go?”
“Oh, sorry…distracted,” I reply, lining up to take my shot.
“By that midwife, Winter?” Aaron asks. I miss the shot as her name leaves his lips. “Ah, so she has gotten under your skin.”
Zane chuckles. “Who’s this midwife? I feel like I missed something.”
Aaron laughs this time. “Probably because you were working or shacking up with a nurse.”
“Tell me more about this midwife,” Zane prompts.
I shake my head. “Nope, not a chance.”
“Ah, so you do like her,” Aaron says.
“What are you, twelve?” I demand. “Neither of you are going to know anything further than yes. I thought the midwife was good looking.”
“You’re meant to say that you looked at her like she’s yours and yours alone. I saw the look. I couldn’t miss it because it’s the same look that I gave Ravin when I first knew she was my mate,” Aaron replies.
“You think this woman is your mate?” Zane asks, throwing me a quizzical look.
I don’t answer him. I don’t know how to explain this. I’m not even sure I’m right about anything. All I know is I feel like I can’t breathe whenever this woman is around. “I’m hoping it’s just sexual attraction. After what I went through with Kara, it shattered me when I realised she wasn’t the one.”
“Did you get a feeling around the woman to make you feel this way?” Zane asks.
I nod. “Yes, and it feels different to when I was around Kara. I loved Kara, I know I did, but this is more than that. It’s like I need to be around her. Her smell makes my head spin and heart race.”
“Sounds definitely like a mate attraction. Now, all you have to do is mark her, and you’ll know for sure.”
“That might be easier said than done. She’s playing hard to get.”
Zane bursts into laughter. “Good thing you like a challenge, big brother.”
“Are you worried because she’s human, and no one has mated a human before?” Aaron asks. He knows full well what Winter is, and it seems he doesn’t care. “I just want you to be happy, Declan. Ravin and I have been worried about you for some time now. Seeing you around her, you’re different, protective and a little shy.”
“So neither of you mind that she’s human?” I ask, not caring about their opinion at all.
Aaron shakes his head. “If she makes you happy, brother, go for it. Ravin said that too.” Zane nods in agreement. I know I have at least three people on my side, four if I include my Nana Margaret, but she doesn’t know about Winter yet. However, when she does find out, I’m sure she’ll be on my side.
“You deserve to be happy, and if Winter makes you that way, then what have you got to lose?” Zane says.
My heart is what I have to lose. I know she has walls up, and I can sense them whenever I bring up the idea of me getting her number to set up a date. I’m determined to break them down, but I know if I do, I have to break mine down too. I don’t know if I can go through dating, falling in love only to be broken when Winter decides she’s had enough of me.
* * *