“It’s so bright outside,” I hiss as I put my black sunglasses on. “Why is it so bright?” My head throbs as we walk out of the lobby and toward the path that leads to the beach.

“Because it’s the sun,” Stone deadpans beside me, trying not to cackle.

“It’s so hot,” I moan as we walk toward the pool. “Why is it so hot?”

“Gorgeous, it’s almost three p.m.” His thumb rubs my thumb. “Peak hours in the sun.”

“It’s so hot,” I huff as we walk past the empty pool. “Where is everyone?”

“They are having a beach party today,” Stone explains, and then I hear the music.

“Why is it so loud?” I ask, and he laughs.

“Well, apparently, yesterday you, Zoey, and Gabriella told my uncle Matthew his beach was lame.”

I stop mid step and turn toward him. “What?” I put my hand to my mouth.

“Not only was it lame but it was boring with a capital B,” Stone continues.

“I told you not to let me drink,” I hiss and hear screaming and cheering.

“Yes, yes, you did. Then you told me you’re a grown woman who can make her own choices, and just because you live with me doesn’t mean I control your life.”

I close my eyes because I might have said that.

“Well, I am.” I avoid prolonging this conversation because, well, tequila, rum, sun, and all that sugar—it’s no wonder I got drunk.

“Oh, trust me, I know,” he goads as he walks behind me a step. “You made sure you told your father to tell me that I’m not the boss of you.”

I look over my shoulder. “You’re not.” We walk through the shaded trees that lead to the beach, and when we finally walk out, I stop in my tracks. It’s like a party on the beach. There are couches and beach beds everywhere. Wood poles holding white tarps block the sun and give you shade. A DJ on an elevated stage busts out tunes while people are dancing and lounging. People are scattered everywhere, which isn’t surprising since it took three planes to get us all here.

This time it is a family beach vacation, except this year everyone from Sofia’s family is here also, including my parents. So what they did was buy out a whole hotel. I’m talking about every room bought out by Matthew or Casey.

“There they are.” Gabriella points at us when we make it to the loungers. She’s lying on the bed with her sunglasses on too. “The whole day is almost done.”

“We just got here,” Romeo says, flopping down beside her, and she turns to glare at him.

“I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to your sister and my cousin.” She points at us.

“I need some food,” Stone announces from beside me, looking around.

“The buffet is over there.” Romeo points to the side where the dining room is.

“Do you want anything to eat, gorgeous?” he asks, and I look up at him.

“Yes, a cheeseburger with fries.” I smile at him, and he leans down and kisses me on my lips.

“And some tequila,” Romeo adds. “How about a piññaaaaaaa coladaaaaa?” He sings the words, making Gabriella and me both groan.

“Where’s Zoey?” I look around and spot her in a bikini with her sunglasses on her head.

“Why does she look so fresh, like she didn’t crawl to bed at three o’clock?” Gabriella takes off her sunglasses to look at her.

“Because she didn’t,” Romeo states. “She left the two of you trying to do the tango at midnight. The only ones crawling were you two.”

“Hmm.” I put my hands on my hips. “I remember more people than that.”

“Well, considering you had seven personalities last night.” Romeo points at me. “I could see it.”