The horn blows, and I look at him. “I have to go, but stay with Katie,” he says, smiling at me. “Katie, take care of her for me.”

“Sure thing,” Katie agrees, smiling at him and then turning to me. “I’m Katie, Jay’s wife.” She puts her hand out for me.

Taking her hand in mine, I shake it. “Hi, Katie, I’m Ryleigh. I have a ticket for the game, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

She smirks at me. “It’s okay. They each have seats in the box.” She points up. “Unless his family is in town, the seats are always empty, so you might as well use it.”

I’m about to decline her when a man comes toward us wearing a suit. “Hey, Katie,” he says to the girl and kisses her on the cheek. “And you must be Stone’s girl.” He looks at me, shocking me by giving me that title. “Let me show you to your seat.”



“Did you get her?” I ask Glenn, the public relations guy, when he walks back into the room. I stop myself from going back out there, knowing there is no way I can until it’s time to get on the ice when the game is starting.

“She’s sitting with Katie,” he tells me as if I’m not dying over here.

“Can you get her after the game and make sure you bring her down here?” I ask him quietly, and he smirks.

“Is Stone Richards smitten?” he asks, and I’m the one who smirks at him.

“Did you not see her?” I ask, and he smiles. I’m not sure I will admit that I think I’m past being smitten.

“Oh, I did.” The words earn him a glare from me. “Relax, I’m happily married with two point five kids, three dogs, a cat, and now a fucking bird,” he says, looking at me, but continues to talk. “Why did I get a bird when I have a cat, you ask?”

“Um, I don’t think I—” I start to say, but he holds up his hand to stop me from talking, and I have no idea what to do.

“I’ll tell you why. My daughter fell while she was walking into the house and not looking where she was going because she still had my phone in her hand and was watching a video. She stumbled up the stairs and ended up bumping under her chin. Did you know that’s the thinnest skin on the body? Well, now you know.” He puts his hands in his pockets. “Well, needless to say, she needed four stitches, and it was obviously my fault that she fell since I didn’t take the phone from her. The only thing that would make her feel better was a fucking bird.” He looks to the right. “The cat is about to run away from home.”

“That’s a lot to unload.” I slap his shoulder. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have a game to win and a girl to get to.”

“Yeah.” He shakes his head. “Good luck with that.”

“Thanks,” I reply, turning and grabbing my stick to head out and wait for our time to get on the ice. I’m bouncing on my skates, wishing I could just go up and talk to her for a second. When I stood on the ice and looked over, spotting her, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me until I looked back and saw her fucking smile. I swear to everything, it was like the earth shifted. I second-guessed everything about her not being into me, but then she went out of her way to fly here and surprise me.

The crowd cheers as we skate onto the ice, but I look up to where I know the seats are. She’s sitting there looking at the ice and clapping with everyone else. She smiles at me, and my heart speeds up, but I have to lock it away for the next sixty-plus minutes. The only time I look up at her is when I skate on the ice at the beginning of the periods. Luckily for us, we win four to two. At the end of the third period, I rush like a madman to get out of my equipment just to get to her.

I shower, putting on my suit—but not the tie—before going into the family room where the wives or girlfriends all hang out waiting for the men to be finished. I pull open the door and spot her sitting on the couch with her phone in her hand while a couple of conversations happen around her.

I walk in, and a couple of the kids call my name, so she looks up from her phone. I high-five the kids as I make my way over to her. She stands up and tucks away the phone in her purse. My arm wraps around her waist, pulling her to me. “Hi, gorgeous,” I greet her breathlessly before I kiss her lips softly. Totally not how I want to kiss her, but too many kids and families are here for me to slide my tongue into her mouth.

“Hi,” she says, wiping my lips with her thumb to get the lip gloss off my lips.

The smile fills her face, and my cock gets hard. “Shall we get out of here?” I ask, and she nods her head.

“Lead the way.” She looks over at Katie. “Thank you so much for being so kind.”

“You are more than welcome.” Katie smiles at her.

I slide my hand in hers as I pull her out of the room. I step into the long hallway, looking at people walking around. The equipment people grab and sort through things. I see a couple of the players doing media interviews, when I look over and see her side-eye me with a smirk. “What are you smirking about?”

“Nothing,” she denies, looking down at her feet and then looking over at me. “Just, you are really sexy in a suit.”

“You’ve seen me in a suit before.” I walk toward the door that leads to the garage.

“Yes,” she agrees as I open the door with my hand and hold the top of it. I wait for her to walk through it, but I’m not willing to give up holding her hand. “But now that I’ve seen what’s under the suit, it’s sort of even sexier.” My cock wakes up, knowing that not only is she here but I’m touching her. I walk over to the passenger side of the truck. “I mean, you are obviously sexier naked,” she continues talking, pushing me to the brink.

Instead of opening her door for her, I’m pressing her against it. I put my hands on top of the truck, framing her head. Her hands come up to my chest. “I missed you,” I finally say what I’ve wanted to say the last fucking week. I stopped myself every single time, trying not to push her, but maybe her showing up here means she missed me too. I lean down and rub my nose with hers. “So fucking much.” I close the distance and finally kiss her the way I want to kiss her. My tongue slides into her mouth, and we groan. One hand moves from beside her head to around her waist. She moves one of her hands from my chest to the back of my neck. I turn my head to the side, deepening the kiss, and then I hear laughter from the side of me.