It takes an hour and thirty minutes from wheels up to wheels down, and when I’m walking into my house, I have this tightness in my chest I can’t get rid of. I don’t even bother turning on the lights before walking upstairs to my bedroom. When I call her, she sounds like she’s sleeping, so I tell her I’ll call her tomorrow. Going to bed without her isn’t fun at all.

The next day is a game day, and we text a couple of times, but I’m busy, and she’s preparing for a trial, so it’s just short texts here and there. Even when I get home that night, I know it’s too late to call her, so I text her instead. I’m surprised when she answers me back, so I call her.

“Hey,” she says, and her voice sounds tired.

“Why are you still up?” I ask her softly instead of telling her how much I miss her.

“Reading my brief and making notes,” she says. “I’m going to go to bed in about ten minutes.”

“Okay, gorgeous,” I reply, waiting for her to tell me she misses me or she saw the game, but she doesn’t say anything. “Sleep tight. Try not to miss me,” I joke.

“I’ll try my hardest.” She laughs before hanging up.

The next day is the same thing—just little conversations here and there—so by Wednesday, I’m ready to kill someone, anyone.

When she calls me after seven, I’m just getting home from my second workout of the day. We’ve played two games since I left her, and both games have resulted in us getting our asses handed to us.

“Hey, gorgeous,” I answer after one ring.

“What did you send me?” she asks, and I press the FaceTime button for the first time since I left her on Sunday. I kept waiting for her to do it, but I’m done.

Her face comes onto the screen, and it’s even more beautiful than in my memories. “What did you send me?” Her eyes go big as she looks at me.

“Just something that reminded me of you.” I smirk at her as I walk upstairs to my bedroom. “Why?”

“Did you send me this lingerie?” She picks up something black and sheer.

“It better be me and not someone else,” I snap, and she smirks. “Did you get the other present?”

“Oh, you mean the vibrator?” Her voice rises.

“The one you weren’t sure about buying,” I remind her.

“Yes, yes, I did.” She picks up the pink vibrator she debated getting but then stops. It has a G-spot stimulator, and I can’t wait to see what she does with it. “I’m not going to lie. I’m very excited to try a new little friend.”

I laugh as I fall onto my bed. “How many times have your friends visited since I’ve been gone?”

“No friends have visited, but,” she confesses, “I did masturbate this morning before getting out of bed.”

“You did what?” I gasp.

“Are you telling me you haven’t come since Sunday?” she asks, and I just look at her as she laughs. “That’s what I thought. Even though you fucked me a gazillion times.”

“What are you doing now?” I ask softly.

“I just got home from work, and I was going to take a shower. Why?”

“Change into the lingerie and call me back,” I tell her, and her eyes go big.

“Or,” she counters, walking over to her bedroom, “I get naked now with you on the phone and show you how this little toy works.”

“That’s even better than what I was thinking,” I admit.

“Umm,” she hums, putting her phone down on the bed and all I see is her head. “I want to see your cock too, so get that monster out.”

“You think my cock is a monster?”

“Obviously, that’s the only thing you got from everything I’ve said.” She picks up the phone, and I see she isn’t wearing a top.