“Go get rid of the condom.” I push his head away from me, and he smirks. “The bathroom is over there.” I point at the side door where my bathroom is.

I watch him walk into the bathroom before I put my head back and exhale. I hear the toilet flush and then the water turn on. I’m about to get off the bed to go clean myself when he walks out of the bathroom, turning the light off, not giving me a chance to check him out with the lights on.

He walks to the side of the bed. “Open,” he urges, and I look at him confused. “Open your legs for me, gorgeous.” I don’t know why I do what he says, but I do, and there, in the middle of my bed, he leans over and cleans me. He swipes the warm cloth over me a couple of times before he tosses the rag to the side. “I want to fuck you again, but I need a catnap before.” My head is still spinning from him taking care of me after sex, so I don’t know what to say or do. “You okay sleeping naked, or do you want a shirt?”

“I’m—” I start to stumble with my words. “I’m okay like this,” I lie to him. I hate sleeping naked, but I also want to feel his skin on mine again.

“Which side do you sleep on?” he asks, walking to his clothes. He pulls his shirt from the pile and comes back to the bed.

“In the middle,” I admit, and he laughs as he pulls the comforter from the bed before putting his knee on it.

“Lift your arms,” he says, and again, I do what he tells me. He slides the T-shirt over my head, and I smell him all around me. “Let’s sleep a bit.”

“I said that I’m okay sleeping naked.” I protest having his shirt on me, but I’m also not doing anything to take it off.

“Yeah, and I have always said you are a gorgeous liar.” He slides under the covers before wrapping his arm around my waist. “Now, get your ass under the covers so we can rest,” he mumbles, and I slide under the covers with him.

I turn in his arms, my face in his chest. “Why do you get to sleep naked?” I ask as my legs tangle with his.

“Because I sleep naked.” He kisses my head.

“You’re annoying,” I mumble, tucking myself into his side.

“You’re gorgeous and amazing,” he continues, “and you have the best?—”

I put my hand in front of his mouth. “If you’re fishing for compliments, it won’t happen.”

He laughs, and my head moves with his chest. “All you need is for your head to be bigger than it already is if I tell you it was the best sex of my life.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” he replies, and I slap his chest. “If it wasn’t, then we’ll practice and practice to get there.”

“Is that so?” I ask, my eyes getting heavy.

“I have three days off,” he states, his hand rubbing my arm, “and I plan to spend the majority of it wrapped up in you.”

“What if I had plans?” My eyes get even heavier, so I just leave them closed.

“You do have plans. With me.” His lips kiss my forehead before I drift off to sleep just as the sun rises, and he’s one day closer to leaving. I push away the thought, instead telling myself he’s a player, and I need to keep my guard up. At the same time, my heart slowly drifts off to sleep in the most content way.



“What time is the car going to be here?” Ryleigh asks as I turn off the shower and step out. She’s standing at the sink with her hair wrapped in a towel and wearing the white shirt of mine she put on two days ago to sleep in.

“Four,” I tell her, grabbing a white plush towel from the basket next to the shower, wrapping it around my waist, and moving to stand behind her.

I grab her hips in my hands and bend to kiss behind her ear, making her tremble in my arms. “Which still leaves us with two hours to…”

“Eat and have you packed.” She picks up her toothbrush, putting toothpaste on it before turning on the water and putting it in her mouth.

“I could eat.” I look at her in the mirror as my hand cups her pussy, knowing she’s not wearing anything under the white shirt.

“You just ate that,” she reminds me of when I set her down on her shower bench and spread her legs while I devoured her. I’m literally addicted to her. It’s shocking to think about it, but even more when I admit it to myself.

“I did,” I mumble as I trail kisses from behind her ear to the back of her neck to the other side of her ear, “but I thought I would get one last meal before I go.”

“You thought wrong.” She bends to rinse her mouth and then her toothbrush. “We need food.”