The city zooms by us. “Now, if you see this alley over here.” She slows down in the almost vacant street, and we both look out the window at the empty alleyway that has four or five dumpsters all against the walls. “There have been over fifty movies filmed here.”

“This is like a murder show,” Ryleigh states, and I can’t help but bite my lip not to laugh.

“All of them filmed in the middle of the night, all of them ending as soon as the sun comes up. Can anyone guess what movies they were?”

“Nightmare on Elm Street!” Ryleigh shouts out like we are onFamily Feud.

“Close,” Brianna says, “it was calledWet Dreams on Elm Street.”

“Wet Dreams?” Ryleigh repeats softly, and I watch her face.

“This also has two loft apartments that rent by the hour,” Brianna continues, “and you can add a videographer if you want to film something intimate.” The bus starts moving. “For the next three hours, we will visit a dominatrix sex dungeon. We will also have a little demonstration on dildos and vibrators before ending the night at the ultra-secret sex club.”

Ryleigh’s head whips to me. “Is this a sex tour?”



My head spins while I listen to Brianna say what we will be doing for the next three hours. My head whips to Stone, who sits there wearing a cocky grin, his hands folded in front of him. “Is this a sex tour?”

“Yes,” he confirms. “A private one, obviously.” He leans in. “We aren’t allowed to take photos either.”

I open my mouth, thinking words would come out of it, but I’m literally too stunned to speak. “You brought me on a sex tour?” I have to ask him again because the shock of it has not settled in yet.

“I did,” he says as if it’s just another day in the office. “I’m really looking forward to the dildo demonstration.” I bite on the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing. “If we see your old friend there, can you point him out?” He leans in and nips at my jaw. “I want to see what I’m up against.”

“He’s ten inches long and the size of my arm,” I snap, “so you lose.”

Brianna stops the bus. “First stop is the underground dominatrix dungeon.” She gets up from her seat. “I will ask you at this time to please leave all your phones in this box.” She holds up a blue and white box. “There will be no photography. The places I’m taking you are discreet and not available to the public.” Stone gets up and holds out his hand for me. “If you could also leave your purse on the bus,” Brianna says, “and if you can, your jackets as well. It’ll be easier when we pass security.”

“Pass security?” I don’t know if I’m asking her or telling myself. But my hands move to take off my purse from around my body, and then I shrug off my jacket. I look over at Stone, who takes my jacket and places it in the seats across the row from us. I should have known something was up when I saw the blacked-out bus.

“If you can follow me,” Brianna urges, taking off her headset and placing it on the dash. I follow her down the steps into the cold of the night, shivering once, but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m cold or turned on. I look up at the brown building that looks like an office building, and a man about six foot seven opens the side door for us. “This building has four different floors for your pleasure.” I step in but then feel the heat from the room and also because Stone slides his hand into mine.

The man comes over to us and eyes us up and down. “No phones, no videotaping, no touching of anything or anyone.” His voice is gruff, and I know I would not fuck with him, so I just nod.

Brianna claps her hands together. “This is one of my favorite places to visit,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes. “Each floor has four different playrooms. The top floor is one large playroom rented out for events.”

“Imagine having your wedding here?” I joke, and Brianna looks over her shoulder.

“I know a friend who did it with her swinging friends.” I look at Stone, who nods his head. “We will be only seeing two rooms this time. There will be Melinda, who likes to be called Goddess.” She looks at me as we walk down the brown hallway, stopping at the first door. She knocks on it once before it’s opened by the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s wearing a latex one-piece outfit that is open all the way down the front, pulled together like the top of a shoe. She wears a leather collar with a round silver ring in the middle of it. Garters hold up fishnet stockings with thigh-high latex boots, and she holds a small little whip in her hand. “Goddess,” Brianna says to her.

“Welcome,” she purrs, “to my playroom.” She moves her wrist so the whip in her hand moves against her leg.

“Thank you for having us,” I respond as if I’m visiting someone’s house. I step into the darkened room that is painted black. Stone steps beside me but holds me in front of him, his hand wrapping around me from behind as he places his palm on my stomach. I look around the room, seeing many things that intrigue me. One wall has a mirror hanging on it with a table in front of it, and a brown wooden bed is in the middle of the room with four poles at each end with rings.

“Goddess.” Brianna looks at me and almost hisses.

“Goddess,” I repeat, not trying to offend anyone.

She walks over to me. “Isn’t she a sight for sore eyes?”

“She’s also mine and off-limits,” Stone retorts as soon as she gives me the up and down, “Goddess.”

I look over my shoulder at him as I wiggle my ass against him. “Interesting,” she murmurs as she walks away from us and toward the desk, where she starts explaining how she likes to train her subs by having them open for her. She goes through the many whips she has hanging on the wall and then points at the bed. “Imagine if you held someone else's pleasure in your hand.” She walks over to the bed, stepping up on the platform at the head before she turns to sit down on it. “That you can control what they feel.” She spreads her legs. “It’s the ultimate power.”

“I bet,” Stone mumbles, and I roll my lips when she looks at him and winks.