“Yes, and then…” I almost slip the secret, but I don’t. “See you soon.” I hang up the phone before she tells me she’s not coming.

When I get to her place, I take the elevator up to her floor. Knocking on her door, I hear the sounds of running with heels on. I smile when I hear the locks open on the big door. “I can’t even with you,” she huffs, and I can see her trying not to smile. She’s wearing black pants with a red sweater and a black scarf wrapped around her neck.

“Hi, gorgeous,” I greet her, stepping in and grabbing her face while I kick the door shut with my foot right before I kiss her lips. Her hands go to my hips, and I’m surprised she’s not pushing me away. I kiss her softly, but it’s her, so my tongue slides into her mouth as she presses up against me. I let her go before my thumbs rub her cheeks. “We better go before?—”

“Yes, before I have to whip out the old friend.” She walks over to the coatrack and pulls her black leather jacket off the hook. Then she snatches her purse before slipping it over her head to wear it across her body.

“The car is waiting,” I tell her, grabbing her hand to drag her out the door instead of pulling her to her bed.

“The car?” she repeats. “Aren’t you fancy-schmancy?” she says as we step into the elevator. I walk to one side, and she faces me on the other side. “Where are you taking me?”

“To a small place, then someplace else.” I wink at her as she looks at me. “Have I told you how fucking gorgeous you are?”

“You have.” She nods. “But it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” She pushes off the side of the elevator when the doors open.

I watch her ass for a second, and she stops walking, looking over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying the view.” I walk out of the elevator.

“You could have enjoyed the view up close and personal last night.” She turns back around and walks toward the door. The driver sees me and opens the back door to the car, and she gets in, scooting across to the other side so I can get in.

She rubs her hands together. “It’s a little chilly,” she observes.

“I can warm you up.” Putting my arm around her shoulders, I pull her to me.

“Yeah, warm me up.” She rolls her eyes. “And then leave me high and dry.”

I don’t bother answering her and just kiss the side of her forehead. My heart pounds in my chest, wondering if maybe I should have told her about the surprise instead of just going with it. We pull up to the little restaurant that looks like it’s closed, but I know it’s staying open for me. I knock on the window and then see the woman hold up her hand and come over to unlock the door. “Welcome, Mr. Richards,” she says, holding the door open for us and then closing it as soon as we step in. “Choose a table, and we’ll get started.”

“Go ahead.” I gesture for Ryleigh to pick a table.

She walks in and looks around. “Are we the only ones here?”

“We are,” I tell her as she pulls out a chair at a table for two.

“Did you shut down the whole place?” she asks as she takes off her jacket and then her scarf. I see her red sweater is cut down to her belly button in a V and shows me she’s wearing a black satin bra underneath.

“You forgot half your shirt.” I point at her as she sits down and laughs, making my jeans become very fucking tight.

“You’re lucky it’s cold out, or I wouldn’t even wear the sweater.” She puts her elbows on the table and clasps her hands together. “Now, what are we having?”

“Menu is set.” I shrug my jacket off. “Only because we have to be someplace in an hour.”

“Really?” She raises her eyebrows at me.

“I’m Maria,” the woman says, coming out from the swinging door, wiping her hands on an apron that used to be white but is now covered in sauce. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’ll have a water,” Ryleigh answers, then turns to me. “No excuses now, Stone.”

“I’ll have the same,” I reply, smirking at her. Maria leaves, and I look back at her. “So you really want to have sex with me, then?”

“I really want to have sex. You just happen to be the lucky suitor.”

“Is that so?” I ask. “If I was anyone else, you would have sex with them?” I watch her eyes narrow at me. “That’s what I thought. Because the one thing for sure I’ve learned about you, gorgeous, is that you don’t need a man, but you want me.”

“It’s a wonder your big-ass head fits through any doorways,” she huffs, and I don’t have a chance to answer her because Maria comes back with four plates.

“Little bit for you to try,” she says, “meatballs, calamari, arancini and caprese salad.”